08:05:43 <anitsirk> #startmeeting 08:05:43 <maharameet> Meeting started Thu Sep 25 08:05:43 2014 UTC. The chair is anitsirk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:05:43 <maharameet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 08:05:45 <mingard> hi everyone, sorry I'm a little late 08:05:46 <anitsirk> #info Welcome to the 36th Mahara developer meeting. Please state your name and where you are from for the minutes. If you are saying something very long, please put ".." on an empty line by itself to indicate your statement is finished. 08:05:47 <anitsirk> Please feel free to use meeting commands yourself. :-) 08:05:52 <anitsirk> mingard: we just started :-) 08:06:03 <anitsirk> #info anitsirk = Kristina Hoeppner, Catalyst IT, Wellington 08:06:13 <tobiasz> #info tobiasz is Tobias Zeuch, developer at KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany 08:06:14 <anitsirk> oh yea, please put the #info at the beginning of your intro line 08:06:15 <sonn_> #info sonn_, Son Nguyen, Catalyst IT, Wellington 08:06:20 <nigelc_home> #info nigelc_home = Nigel Cunningham, Catalyst IT, Melbourne 08:06:24 <mingard> #info mingard = Jono Mingard, student at Gakushuin University, Japan 08:06:36 <robertl_> #info robertl_ is Robert Lyon, Catalyst IT, Wellington, NZ 08:07:00 <ghada1> #info ghada-laptop = Ghada El-Zoghbi, Catalyst IT, Sydney 08:07:17 <anitsirk> today might be a very short meeting. we'll see. but let's try to make it efficient for everyone. :-) 08:07:21 <anitsirk> #topic Items from last meeting 08:07:21 <anitsirk> #info Item 1 from last meeting: robert_ look into the reviews permissions to see if the change author problem can be avoided and/or update the wiki page with more info 08:07:28 <anitsirk> robertl_ you are up 08:07:43 <robertl_> I've not been able to look into this further 08:07:56 <robertl_> been busy with release candidate etc 08:08:04 <anitsirk> yeah. way too busy. shall i put it on the next meeting agenda? 08:08:10 <robertl_> will try and find some time before the next meeting 08:08:15 <anitsirk> i'd like to have you find that out instead of tabling it for indefinite 08:08:19 <robertl_> yep roll it over 08:08:34 <anitsirk> #action robertl_ to look into the reviews permissions to see if the change author problem can be avoided and/or update the wiki page with more info 08:08:41 <anitsirk> thank you 08:08:44 <anitsirk> #info Item 2 from last meeting: robertl_ send email to +2 reviewers to vote on Ghada to security team 08:08:58 <anzeljg> hi 08:09:03 <anitsirk> hi anzeljg. right on time. :-) 08:09:04 <robertl_> ghada was voted in to the security team 08:09:11 <anitsirk> can you please state your name for the record? 08:09:11 <robertl_> hi anzeljg 08:09:28 <sonn_> hi anzeljg 08:09:31 <anitsirk> #info ghada was voted into the security team by the majority of the people who could vote 08:09:33 <anzeljg> #info anzeljg is Gregor Anzelj, developer, translator from Gimnazija Bezigrad, Slovenia 08:09:35 <tobiasz> hi anzeljg 08:09:46 <robertl_> and only just the other day got permissions to gerrit sorted 08:09:53 <ghada1> :) 08:09:56 <anitsirk> even better :-) 08:09:57 <robertl_> to allow her to see the security patches 08:10:08 <nigelc_home> Congrats, ghada1 :) 08:10:12 <anitsirk> wasn't that the important bit? 08:10:24 <ghada1> minor issue... 08:10:35 <robertl_> the probem was all the security team before were also admin members of gerrit 08:10:40 <anitsirk> great that all is sorted now. 08:10:46 <nigelc_home> Hehe. So what you're saying is that it's actually more work for her! 08:10:55 <robertl_> so we hadn't realised the perms were on wrong group 08:11:06 <anitsirk> long live the admins 08:11:22 <robertl_> got it sorted out now 08:11:37 <ghada1> so, i can work on security issues now. 08:11:38 <anitsirk> awesome. now nz can go on holiday ;-) 08:11:46 <robertl_> sweet! 08:11:48 <nigelc_home> :) 08:11:52 <ghada1> to Aus to help out with the work? 08:11:59 <anitsirk> lol 08:12:00 <mingard> to Japan to see me :D 08:12:02 <robertl_> hehe 08:12:12 <anzeljg> lol 08:12:19 <sonn_> :D 08:12:27 <anitsirk> mingard: that'll be "any other business". remind me if i forget 08:12:32 <mingard> OK 08:12:39 <anitsirk> ok. moving on before we get out our travel planners. 08:12:41 <anitsirk> #info Item 3 from last meeting: anzeljg to report back on how much more work is needed to get the converting of old types to new socialprofile types and whether import/export will still work 08:12:42 <anitsirk> #info this item was resolved because the feature is now in RC1 for Mahara 1.10 08:12:50 <anitsirk> finally got it in, anzeljg :-) 08:12:59 <anzeljg> a big thanks to Ghada and Robert 08:13:02 <ghada1> great job anzeljg - that was quite an effort 08:13:04 <anzeljg> and everybody else 08:13:05 <anzeljg> :) 08:13:17 <robertl_> yes - it's very good that got in 08:13:35 <robertl_> makes the mahara look a bit more modern 08:13:39 <anitsirk> do we need to label it experimental because it got in only shortly? 08:13:51 <robertl_> not having to have the old message profile options 08:14:32 <robertl_> it was mostly tested fine - just the leap2a import/export was a bit rushed at the end 08:14:51 <ghada1> i didn't get a chance to look at that unfortunately - the leap2a 08:14:57 <anitsirk> ok. maybe we can focus testing in the rc on leap2a 08:15:01 <anzeljg> will still have RC 08:15:05 <robertl_> so that bit of functionality may be a bit experimental 08:15:11 <sonn_> What did you concern about leap2a? 08:15:24 <anitsirk> robertl_ something to keep in mind for jinelle and eduardo for next week 08:15:45 <robertl_> yep something good for them to test 08:15:53 <anzeljg> anitsirk: do you have interns again? 08:16:08 <ghada1> it was waiting on another bug in the leap2a to get fixed. 08:16:14 <anitsirk> #info social profile functionality is looking good, but testing leap2 export and import should be looked at closely during rc 08:16:15 <robertl_> sonn_, it was mostly noone but me really tested the import/export and I wrote bits of it 08:16:17 <ghada1> i can't remember the bug number. 08:16:36 <anitsirk> anzeljg: we have a junior tester (jinelle) and a part-time tester (eduardo) on the team now. 08:16:44 <sonn_> I recall it get fixed 08:16:53 <ghada1> ok, that's great. 08:16:57 <anitsirk> #info the catalyst core team is going to get serious with automated functional testing 08:17:07 <nigelc_home> phpunit? 08:17:11 <anitsirk> behat 08:17:14 <nigelc_home> k 08:17:16 <anzeljg> ghada: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/1358934 08:17:23 <nigelc_home> Another thing to learn :) 08:17:38 <anzeljg> +1 08:17:39 <ghada1> yep, that's it .. thanks anzeljg 08:17:46 <anitsirk> sonn had already set up a lot of the infrastructure. now we actually need tests written ;-) 08:17:58 <anitsirk> anything else for anzeljg's item? 08:18:11 <anzeljg> not from me 08:18:12 <ghada1> nope. 08:18:25 <anitsirk> ok then. 08:18:27 <anitsirk> drumroll 08:18:34 <anitsirk> ... 08:18:40 <anzeljg> ... 08:18:41 <anitsirk> everybody drumming? 08:18:46 <anzeljg> indeed!!! 08:18:47 <ghada1> and humming 08:18:49 <anitsirk> #topic Mahara 1.10 RC 1 (Kristina) 08:18:49 <anitsirk> #info RC 1 for Mahara 1.10 was released earlier today. See the announcement. 08:18:50 <anitsirk> https://mahara.org/interaction/forum/topic.php?id=6463 08:18:50 <anitsirk> #info We invite everyone to give it a thorough testing. please report bugs as usual as new items on the tracker. we will prioritize them and see that we fix the important issues. 08:18:50 <anitsirk> #info according to the latest count, we have 35 new features. some small, but some also quite involved. :-) thank you very much to everyone who contributed. 08:18:50 * robertl_ waits excitedly 08:19:25 <anitsirk> spread the word widely in your circles and ask people to test it on their test instances 08:19:43 <anitsirk> the rc phase is important to find out if there are major issues that would need fixing before the stable release 08:19:54 <mingard> woo! looking forward to seeing these new features 08:20:00 <ghada1> that's great news. will do! 08:20:08 <anitsirk> one you can already see on the homepage :-) 08:20:22 <anitsirk> See for example: http://master.dev.mahara.org/ 08:20:35 <anitsirk> master.dev will be updated to rc1 tomorrow by robertl_ 08:20:36 <robertl_> please test on different types of browsers, machines, devices etc 08:20:54 <anitsirk> databases, different previous versions of mahara... 08:21:50 <anitsirk> yeah. thanks heaps to everyone who contributed. we were able to include some great useful things and also improve usability a bit again. 08:21:53 <anzeljg> nice! 08:22:13 <anitsirk> #info please test on different types of browsers, machines, devices, databases, different previous versions of mahara... 08:22:17 <anitsirk> any questions? 08:22:20 <sonn_> I'll update the selenium test cases for the new features tomorrow 08:22:27 <anitsirk> thanks, sonn_ 08:22:32 <mingard> no questions, but I like the new create/share/engage look! 08:22:40 <nigelc_home> Mmm 08:22:58 <mingard> now I have a machine than can run VMs properly I'll try to test on a few different systems 08:22:59 <robertl_> evonne has done a stellar job updating the design 08:23:00 <anitsirk> mingard: me, too. t'was an idea from pace university who had spken lengthly with solent about usability, uncluttering the homepage etc. 08:23:27 <anitsirk> they have two buttons (create and share), pace that is. but i thought we'd still need the third part of mahara there. so evonne made three 08:23:40 <anitsirk> and the rollovers are great. 08:23:40 <robertl_> and has made more stuff work with responsive design 08:24:03 <ghada1> what's are user/passwords to log in? 08:24:04 <anitsirk> works well on responsive as well and the buttons can be updated very easily with the lang strings and can thus be repurposes nicely by institutions 08:24:18 <anitsirk> ghada1: create an account. there are no test accounts on that site 08:24:27 <ghada1> ok. 08:24:53 <anitsirk> there is no content of importance in there. it is just a site for users to do testing if they want to see the latest features but can't install a site themselves 08:25:14 <anitsirk> ghada1: let me know when you have an account and i can make you admin 08:25:24 <ghada1> sure, just registered... 08:25:40 <ghada1> waiting for the email. 08:26:13 <anitsirk> right. i'll approve you once you have it. 08:26:21 <anitsirk> shall we move to the next topic? 08:26:26 <ghada1> yep 08:26:39 <anitsirk> #topic Mahara October 2014 Newsletter (Kristina) 08:26:39 <anitsirk> #info if you wish to publish an article in the next newsletter, i will need to have the text tomorrow, friday, 26 september 2014. please send it to newsletter@mahara.org it can be anything technical, event announcement, pedagogical, ideas, questions, search for collaboration 08:27:31 <anitsirk> mingard: if you wish to write a short article about mof and send it to me by end of 30 sept., i can still include that. ;-) 08:27:54 <mingard> OK, i'll see if I have time :) 08:27:59 <anitsirk> just need to have the majority in beforehand so i can prepare the newsletter since next week will be busy with somewhat uncertain internet 08:28:07 <anitsirk> it would only be 100-200 words. 08:28:22 <mingard> ok cool 08:28:28 <anitsirk> and a picture if you want to :-) 08:28:31 <sonn_> what is mof? 08:28:38 <anitsirk> Mahara Open Forum in Japan 08:28:44 <sonn_> ta 08:29:05 <anitsirk> mingard is attending in hiroshima. it's on the weekend. 08:29:17 <robertl_> would the upcoming feature "artefact feedback on view" be worth mentioning in the newsletter? 08:29:27 <robertl_> or has that been mentioned before? 08:29:36 <anitsirk> actually quite fitting to mention it here than under "any other business". they sent an article through last year and since then we know about it. it's already the 4th or 5th MOF 08:30:05 <anitsirk> robertl_ sure. thought that'll not be in until 1.11 08:30:35 <robertl_> I was thinking an upcoming features piece maybe? 08:30:49 <robertl_> what one can look forward to post the 1.10 release 08:30:53 <anitsirk> returning to MOF: and since mingard is currently in japan, it is great that he has time to attend. 08:31:07 <anitsirk> robertl_ yep. do you want to write it or did you want me to mention it? 08:31:25 <robertl_> I can put some words together tomorrow and get to you 08:31:33 <anitsirk> awesome. thank you 08:32:11 <mingard> I'll see if i can do a forum post or something about how it goes (in addition to the newsletter) 08:32:14 <anitsirk> #action robertl_ to write his first mahara newsletter article on an upcoming 1.11 feature, the "artefact feedback on page" one funded by New York Institute of Technology 08:32:22 <anitsirk> mingard: that would be fantastic. 08:32:32 <anitsirk> BTW: mingard: are you in their facebook group? 08:32:47 <anitsirk> they are posting lots of things right now. 08:32:48 <mingard> curious to hear what Japanese people think of mahara, whether they have any different ideas from (for example) the ones raised at Mahara Hui 08:32:51 <mingard> anitsirk: yes 08:33:29 <anitsirk> That's why it's so great you have time to go because you are the only one i think from the core team who can understand japanese :-) 08:33:38 <anitsirk> if there are others: please let us know. 08:33:48 <mingard> well ... I can understand *some* japanese ;) 08:33:55 <anitsirk> :-) 08:34:09 <mingard> and I'll certainly let you know the results 08:34:17 <anitsirk> thank you 08:34:22 <anitsirk> alright. i think we are pretty much through with the meeting as i'm already at 08:34:22 <anzeljg> mingard: more than the rest of us I guess ;) 08:34:36 <anitsirk> #topic Next meeting and chair 08:34:36 <anitsirk> Would thursday, 23 october 2014 at 8 UTC work? http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Mahara+37th+Developer+Meeting&iso=20141023T08 08:35:10 <sonn_> works for me 08:35:16 <anzeljg> fine with me 08:35:23 <mingard> works for me 08:35:29 <anitsirk> NZ note: it's 9 pm 08:35:30 <robertl_> oh, that will start 1 hour later than normal for us nz folks 08:35:38 <tobiasz> fine with me 08:35:39 <robertl_> it's ok for me as well 08:35:44 <ghada1> works for me 08:35:52 <anitsirk> nigelc_home? 08:36:11 <nigelc_home> Yeah 08:36:27 <anitsirk> #info the 37th mahara developer meeting will take place on 23 october 2014 at 8 UTC. See http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Mahara+37th+Developer+Meeting&iso=20141023T08 for your timezone. 08:36:37 <anitsirk> now to the important question: who want to chair the meeting? 08:37:04 <anitsirk> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Mahara+37th+Developer+Meeting&iso=20141023T08 is the time of the 37th mahara dev meeting 08:37:12 <anitsirk> no takers yet? 08:37:14 <robertl_> I can do it again 08:37:23 <anitsirk> robertl_ thank you. 08:37:35 <anitsirk> #info robertl_ will chair the next mahara dev meeting in october 2014 08:37:45 <anitsirk> #topic Any other business 08:38:18 <anitsirk> ok. i have one. 08:38:19 <anitsirk> #info the website https://mahara.org now has a section "Events". Let me know if you organize an event and want to have it appear there. 08:38:30 <anitsirk> just realized, i don't yet have MOF on there. will remedy that in a few minutes. 08:39:02 <anitsirk> does anybody else have any other business? 08:39:12 <ghada1> nope. 08:39:16 <robertl_> not I 08:39:18 <anzeljg> no 08:39:22 <mingard> nope 08:39:28 <nigelc_home> Nope 08:39:31 <sonn_> nope 08:39:35 <tobiasz> no 08:39:41 <anitsirk> then i guess this is a wrap. 08:39:51 <ghada1> the quickest i can recall... 08:40:00 <ghada1> good job anitsirk 08:40:07 <anzeljg> thanks anitsirk 08:40:07 <anitsirk> thank you very much, anzeljg, ghada1, robertl_, sonn_, mingard, tobiasz and nigelc_home for attending. 08:40:20 <ghada1> thanks for chairing! 08:40:25 <tobiasz> thanks anitsirk for chairing 08:40:26 <anitsirk> ghada1: it almost felt like rushing through, but we didn't have much to discuss. 08:40:33 <robertl_> thanks kristina 08:40:34 <anitsirk> #endmeeting