20:02:29 <anzeljg> #startmeeting 20:02:29 <maharameet> Meeting started Tue Feb 26 20:02:29 2013 UTC. The chair is anzeljg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:29 <maharameet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 20:02:31 <anzeljg> Welcome to the 24th Mahara Developer Meeting. Please state your name and location by starting a line with #info. When you have a long statement broken up over several lines, please put .. on a separate line when you are done. 20:02:39 <anzeljg> #info anzeljg is Gregor Anželj, developer and translator, Ljubljana, Slovenia 20:02:44 <aquaman> #info aquaman is Hugh Davenport 20:03:08 <rkabalin_> #info rkabalin_ is Ruslan Kabalin, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK 20:03:20 <anitsirk> #info anitsirk is Kristina Hoeppner, Catalyst IT, Wellington, NZ 20:04:02 <rkabalin_> not that many people ) 20:04:05 <anzeljg> anybody else? 20:04:37 <anzeljg> #topic Items from last meeting 20:04:52 <anzeljg> #info anzeljg will create a wiki page under "Specifications in development" for his enhancement suggestions for the resume and start a forum topic to discuss these. 20:05:03 <anzeljg> So I'll chair and start... 20:05:29 <anzeljg> Created wiki page, which can be accessed via #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/Specifications_in_Development/Resume_enhancements 20:05:47 <anzeljg> and forum topic, accessible via #link https://mahara.org/interaction/forum/topic.php?id=5245 20:06:11 <anzeljg> Dajan replied to forum topic and he agrees with proposed changes. 20:06:12 <anzeljg> .. 20:07:24 <anzeljg> any questions, comments... 20:07:57 <anzeljg> hi sonn 20:08:16 <anzeljg> please use info to introduce yourself 20:08:21 <sonn2> Hi 20:08:43 <sonn2> #info sonn, Son Nguyen, Catalyst IT NZ 20:09:13 <rkabalin_> The address fromat idea is good 20:09:38 <anzeljg> We're discussing Resume enhancements, although I'm getting the felling that I0m talking with myself :) 20:10:05 <sonn2> :) 20:10:19 <anzeljg> rkabalin: it's taken from Europass AddressFormat xml/xls file... 20:10:26 <rkabalin_> I see 20:11:34 <anzeljg> so the import/export from/to Europass (and/or other systmes) can be as compatible as possible... 20:12:14 <sonn2> What is Europass Address format? 20:13:12 <anzeljg> sonn2, please see #link http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/xml/resources/EuropassAddressFormats_V1.0.xsd 20:13:29 <sonn2> thank anzeljg 20:14:00 <anzeljg> basically it serves for different display formats of addresses throughout European countries 20:14:04 <aquaman> hey jimcrib 20:14:10 <anzeljg> Addresses are formatted differently... 20:14:17 <anzeljg> jimcrib hi 20:14:25 <jimcrib> morning 20:14:55 <anzeljg> jimcrib could you info introduce yourself 20:15:36 <anzeljg> Is there anything else to discuss or shall we move forward? 20:16:38 <sonn2> I have one 20:16:45 <anzeljg> ok 20:17:17 <sonn2> I would replace the file browser by elfinder 20:17:38 <sonn2> as it has many bugs 20:17:56 <anzeljg> sonn2 can we discuss that a bit later... 20:18:02 <sonn2> ok 20:18:04 <anzeljg> we have items from last meeting? 20:18:11 <anzeljg> ok 20:18:19 <anzeljg> so the last item from previous meeting was: 20:18:23 <anzeljg> #info VolkerJSchmidt will contact Eleni Kargioti about Leap2A and Europass 20:22:03 <sonn2> is that all? 20:22:43 <anzeljg_> IRC stopped responding... 20:22:59 <anitsirk> anzeljg_: sorry. gotta go. 20:23:28 <anzeljg_> can anyone tell me, if you got my messages, which I got from Eleni? 20:23:33 <anzeljg_> anitsirk bye. 20:23:44 <sonn2> yes 20:23:48 <sonn2> I got it 20:23:54 <anzeljg_> everything? 20:23:59 <sonn2> just one 20:24:12 <anzeljg_> ok. So I'll repost that... 20:24:28 <anzeljg_> "At the end of 2012, we released the new version of Europass XML Schema (v3.0), which radically revamps the previous XML schema. 20:24:38 <anzeljg_> As you may be already aware, the main purpose of version 3.0 was to define an XML structure for the portfolio of the learner and serve as a portable repository of information relevant to the learner's career and development. 20:24:57 <anzeljg_> At this point we do not plan a major revision to the Europass CV/ESP implementation. However we are aware of the impact of Leap2A and therefore will definitely study it when we will be extending our implementation. 20:25:06 <anzeljg_> Unfortunately I cannot tell you at this point a specific time schedule, as this is something that needs to be analysed and agreed with Cedefop, the owner of Europass. 20:25:15 <anzeljg_> Nevertheless, I believe that interoperability between Europass CV/ESP and Leap2A could be achieved even at this point, by defining the business and technical details on how a Leap2A profile can be converted to a Europass CV/ESP profile and vice versa. 20:25:23 <anzeljg_> We have done something similar in the past in order to allow the seamless conversion between HR-XML and Europass-XML profiles. 20:25:33 <anzeljg_> If we decide to support such a feature our company can cooperate with technical staff from Mahara or Leap2A in order to define the conversion scenaria, the steps and technical resources (e.g. XSLT)." 20:25:41 <anzeljg_> That was her answer... 20:25:42 <anzeljg_> .. 20:28:05 <anzeljg_> I guess we will not deal with that right now, or are there any ideas, comments? 20:28:47 <sonn2> I think we should wait 20:29:45 <anzeljg_> #idea Wait for interoperability between Leap2A and Europass formats, but keep that in mind 20:30:06 <anzeljg_> If ekly is not here than sonn2 can continue... 20:30:28 <sonn2> So we move to next step>? 20:30:32 <anzeljg_> yep 20:31:16 <anzeljg_> sonn2 you were saying that you want to replace... (sorry forgot that) 20:31:18 <sonn2> When debugging Mahara, I find file browser is a bit odd and has many bugs 20:31:47 <sonn2> I'd use another 3rd party solution: elfinder 20:32:00 <anzeljg_> #topic Replace Mahara file browser with elfinder 20:32:01 <sonn2> http://elfinder.org/ 20:32:40 <anzeljg_> sonn2: will that open in a separate pop-up? 20:32:40 <sonn2> It is a complete file manager using jquery 20:32:57 <rkabalin_> looks interesing 20:33:00 <sonn2> we can easily customize it for mahara use 20:33:01 <aquaman> looks cool 20:33:25 <anzeljg_> agree, look nice and cool 20:33:31 <sonn2> also easy to integrate with our current TinyMCE 20:34:18 <anzeljg_> #link http://elfinder.org/ 20:34:24 <aquaman> and would save doing a security audit on the current filebrowser :P 20:34:25 <anzeljg_> to have the link also in minutes... 20:34:29 <aquaman> which probably has issues 20:34:34 <sonn2> sure 20:35:23 <anzeljg_> I guess now is the time that I should ask if we agree with that? 20:35:27 <anzeljg_> so do we agree? 20:35:40 <rkabalin_> #agree 20:35:46 <anzeljg_> #agree 20:36:03 <sonn2> It needs to do security investigation 20:36:16 <sonn2> before using it 20:37:16 <anzeljg_> sonn2: You'll do it, right? 20:37:56 <sonn2> I will put it in the development specification 20:38:11 <sonn2> and will try to do it when possible 20:38:57 <anzeljg_> #action sonn2 will create development specification and security investigation for replacing file browser with elfinder 20:38:58 <rkabalin_> might also worth checking if there any other good open filebrowsers in the internet 20:39:00 <sonn2> will need aquaman's help about security issue 20:39:22 <sonn2> I did 20:39:39 <anzeljg_> what is the file browser that Moodle uses? 20:39:43 <sonn2> and IMO, elfinder is the best 20:40:05 <sonn2> I have no idea 20:40:17 <sonn2> aquaman may know 20:40:18 <anzeljg_> anyway, I like elfinder... 20:40:29 <rkabalin_> It is a custom browser there AFAIK 20:40:48 <rkabalin_> Written by Davo Smith I think 20:41:15 <anzeljg_> aquaman: will you help sonn2 with security issue? 20:41:34 <aquaman> ohai 20:41:56 <anzeljg_> #action aquaman will help sonn2 with security issue 20:42:12 <sonn2> https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=block_repo_filemanager 20:42:16 <aquaman> should have time one weekend 20:42:28 <anzeljg_> :) 20:42:32 <sonn2> :) 20:43:03 <anzeljg_> Is there anything else on that matter? 20:43:29 <sonn2> rkabalin_: is the plugin you want? 20:44:12 <sonn2> I think that is all for the moment 20:44:21 <anzeljg_> OK 20:44:58 <anzeljg_> Is elky here or any of you guys knows anything about Mahara 1.7 release progress 20:45:50 <sonn2> anitsirk knows it better than me :) 20:46:18 <anzeljg_> anitsirk would you like to update us all? 20:46:37 <anitsirk> still in a meeting. sorry 20:47:00 <anzeljg_> ok. so we'll skip that for now and maybe return to that later? 20:47:06 <sonn2> yes 20:47:21 <anzeljg_> #topic Next meeting and chair 20:47:32 <anzeljg_> We usually wanted to have a meeting every 5-6 weeks. That would be the 16th of April at 8 p.m. NZDT. That would be 9 a.m. UK and 10 a.m. Central Europe. 20:47:46 <anzeljg_> That is my suggestion... 20:48:46 <sonn2> agreed 20:48:54 <rkabalin_> agreed 20:49:58 <anzeljg_> anybody else? aquaman? anitsirk? 20:51:12 <anzeljg_> #info The 25th Mahara Developer Meeting will be held on the 16th of April at 8 p.m. NZDT. That will be 9 a.m. UK and 10 a.m. Central Europe. #link http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=25th+Mahara+Developer+Meeting&iso=20130416T08 20:51:29 <anzeljg_> who would like to chair it? 20:51:57 <rkabalin_> I can 20:52:08 <sonn2> thank rkabalin_ 20:52:17 <rkabalin_> np 20:52:20 <rkabalin_> )) 20:52:29 <anzeljg_> thanx 20:52:46 <sonn2> I would be but I may be late :) 20:52:52 <anzeljg_> #info rkabalin will chair next, 25th Mahara Developer Meeting 20:53:14 <anzeljg_> #topic Any other business 20:53:25 <sonn2> none for me 20:53:42 <anzeljg_> anybody else? 20:53:45 <rkabalin_> thanks anzeljg_, none for me either 20:53:58 <anzeljg_> I have a question though... 20:54:05 <sonn2> yes 20:54:10 <rkabalin_> go ahead 20:54:31 <anzeljg_> I found that on Mahara wiki... What's with the View (noe Page) Templates? 20:54:34 <anzeljg_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/HowToWriteAViewTemplate 20:54:43 <anzeljg_> noe = now 20:54:57 <anzeljg_> anybody knows? 20:54:59 <anzeljg_> .. 20:55:52 <sonn2> I did not find what you mentioned 20:57:34 <sonn2> I have no idea 20:57:44 <anzeljg_> ok. From wiki main index, click "Developer Area", than scroll down to "Finding your way around" section and click "How to write a view template"... 20:57:46 <rkabalin_> Brett written it originally, I did not even know about that functionality 20:57:59 <anzeljg_> Is it implemented or not... 20:58:18 <anzeljg_> I got the impression that it's not fully impemented. Would be nice though... 21:01:07 <sonn2> anzeljg_: did you try to write a view template? 21:01:19 <anzeljg_> no I didn't 21:01:24 <sonn2> ok 21:01:26 <anzeljg_> will try that 21:01:39 <sonn2> It sounds interesting 21:01:45 <anzeljg_> indeed 21:01:51 <sonn2> I will try one day 21:02:12 <anzeljg_> Still no sign of elky or anitsirk? 21:02:30 <sonn2> no 21:02:44 <anzeljg_> Does anybody else know about Mahara 1.7 release progress? 21:03:29 <anzeljg_> Are we past the feature freeze date? 21:03:31 <sonn2> I guess elky will update it later on wiki 21:03:45 <sonn2> or in IRC channel 21:03:46 <anzeljg_> ok 21:03:55 <anzeljg_> Any other AOB? 21:04:05 <anzeljg_> otherwise I'll end the meeting 21:04:17 <sonn2> Anyone hear about Hiphop-php? 21:04:26 <jimcrib> yeap 21:04:53 <sonn2> I have attended the Multicore World conference last week 21:05:16 <sonn2> It would be good to speed up Mahara 21:05:22 <jimcrib> I did some work with implementing intels TBB into it 21:05:36 <sonn2> awesome 21:06:26 <sonn2> It is still lack some extensions for mahara 21:06:52 <jimcrib> yeap plus it doesn't allow eval 21:07:03 <sonn2> I have tried to run mahara on Hiphop VM 21:07:32 <sonn2> after disabling some functions 21:07:45 <sonn2> It is very promissing 21:07:49 <jimcrib> The vm is make better than the compiler 21:08:04 <jimcrib> s/make/much/ 21:08:05 <sonn2> It ran twice faster 21:08:23 <sonn2> It is worth to try 21:09:01 <sonn2> ok 21:09:18 <sonn2> that's all of me 21:09:57 <anzeljg_> anitsirk: Do you have the time now and want to talk about Mahara 1.7 release progress? 21:11:11 <anitsirk> anzeljg_: sorry. still in meetings. 21:11:21 <anzeljg_> ok 21:11:22 <anzeljg_> anybody else, anything else? 21:12:50 <anzeljg_> #endmeeting 21:13:08 <sonn2> bye anzeljg_ 21:13:14 <anzeljg_> seems that now I can't end meeting 21:13:30 <aarow> whoops, I had the wrong time down on my calendar. I just got here. 21:13:30 <anzeljg_> anitsirk: could you end the meeting 21:14:45 <anzeljg_> aarow, sorry 21:15:36 <anzeljg_> since my IRC client stried on me previously, I'm now unable to end meeting... 21:15:50 <anzeljg_> can anybody do that instead of me? 21:16:27 <rkabalin_> thanks anzeljg_ 21:16:34 <rkabalin_> #endmeeting 21:16:59 <anzeljg_> rkabalin: guess you can't do that also... 21:17:25 <rkabalin_> dobedobedoh might be able, but he is not here )) 21:17:42 <anzeljg_> anitsirk is having ops privileges I guess... 21:18:42 <rkabalin_> ah, I see you began meeing being anzeljg 21:18:49 <anzeljg_> yep 21:18:50 <rkabalin_> and now you are anzeljg_ 21:18:57 <anzeljg_> yep again 21:19:10 <rkabalin_> any chance you can close that session 21:19:18 <anzeljg_> can i change my nick back to anzeljg 21:19:34 <rkabalin_> and connect again using original nick? 21:19:50 <aarow> #endmeeting 21:20:06 <rkabalin_> anzeljg_ try to leave and connect again 21:20:15 <anzeljg_> ok. will try 21:21:02 <rkabalin_> hello anzeljg 21:21:02 <anzeljg> finally... 21:21:08 <anzeljg> #endmeeting