07:31:45 <dobedobedoh> #startmeeting 07:31:45 <maharameet> Meeting started Wed Oct 5 07:31:45 2011 UTC. The chair is dobedobedoh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:31:45 <maharameet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 07:31:47 <dobedobedoh> #topic Meeting attendees 07:31:49 <dobedobedoh> Please put #info in front of your name 07:31:51 <dobedobedoh> #info dobedobedoh is Andrew Nicols - LUNS Ltd, UK 07:32:03 <anzeljg> #info anzeljg is Gregor An�elj 07:32:09 <anitsirk> #info anitsirk is Kristina Hoeppner, Catalyst IT, NZ 07:32:11 <richardm> #info richardm is Richard Mansfield 07:32:26 <elky> #info elky is Melissa Draper - Catalyst IT, NZ 07:32:30 <pxh> #info pxh is Piers Harding, Catalyst 07:32:55 <dobedobedoh> I think that's everyone at the moment 07:32:56 <dobedobedoh> Reminder: Please put ".." on a line by itself at the end of a long multi-line speech 07:32:59 <dobedobedoh> to indicate that you've finished 07:33:02 <dobedobedoh> .. 07:33:04 <dobedobedoh> #topic Items from previous meeting 07:33:07 <dobedobedoh> #info dan_p LUNS to investigate adding a new mahara integration project to run selenium tests 07:33:25 <dobedobedoh> I'm fairly sure that dan_p hasnt' had a chance to work on this one any more yet, so I'll action it again for the next meeting 07:33:28 <dobedobedoh> #action dan_p LUNS to investigate adding a new mahara integration project to run selenium tests 07:33:49 <dobedobedoh> Is there anything else to discuss arising from the previous meeting that I've forgotten about? 07:33:59 <fmarier> #info fmarier is Francois Marier 07:34:05 <dobedobedoh> heh, sorry fmarier ;) 07:34:09 <fmarier> :) 07:34:55 <fmarier> dobedobedoh: doesn't look like it from last time's minutes 07:35:14 <dobedobedoh> Excellent :) 07:35:19 <dobedobedoh> #topic Where should we put unit tests? [fmarier and dobedobedoh] 07:35:34 <dobedobedoh> Do you want to go first fmarier? 07:35:56 <fmarier> so i put this down because i thought that the test directory (top-level directory) would be a place for this 07:36:13 <fmarier> and because we don't need to include unit tests in the tarballs we give to people 07:36:27 <fmarier> (the test directory is excluded by the build script) 07:36:44 <fmarier> but you seem to think it would be better to put them somewhere else 07:36:44 <fmarier> .. 07:37:11 <dobedobedoh> I think that it could be beneficial to allow for unit tests to be placed within each plugin type 07:37:16 <dobedobedoh> So for example, to write unit tests for an artefact, we should place tests in /artefact/<pluginname>/tests/phpunit 07:37:23 <dobedobedoh> This has the benefit that plugins can come fully self-contained copmlete with unit tests 07:37:47 <dobedobedoh> And if anyone wants to have a plugin included in core, we can require that it comes complete with unit tests 07:38:01 <dobedobedoh> Other projects work along similar lines - e.g. moodle 07:38:11 <fmarier> we could require that no matter where the tests live though 07:38:15 <dobedobedoh> We can easily modify the build script to ignore any 'tests' directory 07:38:44 <dobedobedoh> true, but it would make it easier for anyone using a VCS to have all of the tests easily executable within one location 07:38:50 <dobedobedoh> and for those who use git submodule for example 07:38:53 <dobedobedoh> .. 07:39:39 <fmarier> i'm not opposed to it, but it does make the tarball building script and the test running scripts more complicated 07:39:39 <richardm> dobedobedoh: so in your scheme, where should the core tests go? 07:39:52 <fmarier> i personally doubt that many third-party plugings will come with unit tests 07:40:04 <fmarier> but it would certainly be nice 07:40:21 <dobedobedoh> For libraries in htdocs/lib/tests; and for anything in the top level directory, /htdocs/tests 07:40:36 <dobedobedoh> I'm not overly concerned as to where they go ultimately 07:40:50 <dobedobedoh> But I do think we should make it easy for developers to write plugins with unit tests 07:41:39 <dobedobedoh> .. 07:41:40 <elky> I think I'm with dobedobedoh on this. 07:42:01 <richardm> I'm not too worried about where they go 07:42:08 <fmarier> dobedobedoh: do you want to look into writing the test running script and modifying the release script to look into the right places? 07:42:16 <dobedobedoh> yeah I can do :) 07:42:23 <fmarier> in that case, it's all yours I think :) 07:42:33 <dobedobedoh> #action dobedobedoh to look at modifying the release script, and test running script 07:42:37 <dobedobedoh> heh okay 07:43:03 <dobedobedoh> There are still a few minor issues with the unit tests 07:43:25 <dobedobedoh> At present if you try and build test coverage it gets a trifle unhappy as it tries to test every UI file as well as libs 07:43:31 <dobedobedoh> and complains about files being re-declared 07:43:53 <dobedobedoh> But I think we should be able to get most of core tested now :) 07:44:00 <dobedobedoh> .. 07:44:09 <elky> Is this what was crying with the mysql stuff? 07:44:32 <dobedobedoh> Nope... that was ADODB storing the password in $password as 'not stored' 07:44:45 <elky> ... lolwat 07:44:46 <dobedobedoh> Which is fine, until you __sleep and __wakup 07:45:02 <elky> which mysql likes to do i hear. 07:45:10 <dobedobedoh> As a 'security measure', when you Connect(), after connecting it stores the password as the string literal 'not stored' 07:45:17 <dobedobedoh> Oh sorry... that's the other bug 07:45:38 <dobedobedoh> That was caused by MySQL losing it's compatibility mode 07:45:44 <dobedobedoh> It wasn't being re-applied on the __wakup 07:45:45 <dobedobedoh> .. 07:45:58 <fmarier> it's a really good thing you caught that 07:46:11 <dobedobedoh> It would have caused some very interesting issues 07:46:47 <dobedobedoh> I've outlined my intentions WRT to the testing script at https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Talk:Developer_Area/Unit_Testing 07:47:06 <dobedobedoh> I'd like to test any database upgrades that we do 07:47:14 <dobedobedoh> as well as run the full unit tests on a fresh install 07:47:20 <dobedobedoh> .. 07:47:50 <elky> you're going to *love* the timezone change then when we get to them 07:47:57 * fmarier should start using the cli installer 07:48:01 <dobedobedoh> heh 07:48:17 <dobedobedoh> Is there anything else to dicuss on unit testing before I move on? 07:48:47 <dobedobedoh> I'm looking forward to the TZ changes being applied to mahara.org - that's for certain! 07:49:21 <fmarier> yeah me too! 07:49:41 <elky> "what do you mean it's 11pm? Oh right, that silly island thinks its time is important" :P 07:50:15 <dobedobedoh> :p 07:50:22 <anitsirk> elky: actually, i think it's texas time that's displayed on mahara.org because that's where the server is. ;-) 07:50:56 <elky> anitsirk, ah, my mistake. still :P 07:51:07 <fmarier> yeah, it was fine when it was NZ time :P 07:51:22 <dobedobedoh> It's mightily confusing! 07:51:29 <elky> should just make it UTC and confuse everyone 07:51:54 <fmarier> anyways, we should probably move to the next agenda item, i think we're done talking about unit tests 07:52:01 <elky> yup 07:52:08 <dobedobedoh> Since zzmonty isn't here yet, I'll jump to pxh's - you ready for it pxh? 07:52:36 <dobedobedoh> #topic Web Services - an update, and request for API ideas [pxh] 07:52:40 <pxh> yup 07:52:44 <dobedobedoh> The floor is yours 07:53:07 <pxh> ok - this was just an update on where things have got to with the artefact/webservice plugin 07:53:19 <pxh> Web Services (https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Plugins/Artefact/WebServices) now has OAuth support including OOB. 07:53:19 <pxh> I've also added personal user tokens - a variation on the wstoken as implmented by Moodle - where users can manage their own tokens for specific API calls that have been allocated for general use. 07:53:19 <pxh> These general use API calls would typically be ones that only access the users own data eg: mahara_user_get_my_user. I'm hoping that having features like this will open up interesting scripting opportunities on systems like myPortfolio. 07:53:37 <dobedobedoh> #info Web Services now has OAuth support including OOB 07:53:43 <dobedobedoh> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Plugins/Artefact/WebServices 07:54:10 <dobedobedoh> #info Personal user tokens are supported and users can manage their own tokens for specific API calls 07:54:57 <dobedobedoh> #info This should open things up more for scripting opportunities 07:55:07 <dobedobedoh> #save 07:55:08 <richardm> sounds great pxh 07:55:12 <pxh> I've written quite a lot of unit tests 07:55:27 * dobedobedoh grins 07:55:50 <pxh> the existing APIs are mostly centred around the ministry of Educations (NZ) requirements for myPortfolio 07:56:21 <pxh> so it things like user CRUD, groups, and institution membership 07:56:30 <pxh> ... not very user centric 07:56:48 <dobedobedoh> #info Existing APIs mostly centred around myPortfolio 07:56:54 <pxh> so - I was hoping to branch this out to APIs that are of a more generic usefulness 07:57:00 <dobedobedoh> Sounds really handy - I've got a use for that at present 07:57:09 <richardm> Alan McNatty is looking at using it for the next maharadroid release 07:57:29 <pxh> yup 07:57:32 <richardm> He's pretty keen to get the webservice plugin in core 07:58:22 <pxh> there is work to do around that 07:58:39 <richardm> yeah, i hope to have some free time soonish to help out 07:59:27 <dobedobedoh> So at present, the API allows CRUD of groups, and institution membership (and presumably CRUD of users too) 07:59:41 <pxh> As artefact/webservice is based on the Moodle webservice code base it needs going over - I've spent a lot of time going through it and cleaning out superfluous stuff, but there is still quite a lot to do - I think 07:59:42 <dobedobedoh> But doesn't allow for users to do anything with the API 07:59:55 <anitsirk> sorry to ask, pxh, but what does CRUD stand for? 07:59:59 <pxh> dobedobedoh: yes 08:00:07 <fmarier> anitsirk: create, read, update and delete 08:00:13 <anitsirk> thanks 08:00:27 <anzeljg> anitsirk +1 - i didn't know that too 08:01:47 <pxh> so - I'd like to field suggestions for APIs - or atleast have a place for peoples ideas on this front 08:01:49 <pxh> .. 08:02:34 <dobedobedoh> do you want suggestions here/now; or to the wiki page? 08:03:36 <pxh> I don't want to hold people up - people can catch me later - and I can organise them onto a wiki page 08:03:53 <pxh> but if the creative juices are flowing then don't let me stop you 08:04:54 <dobedobedoh> I guess one thing which might be helpful is the ability to copy pages 08:05:12 <dobedobedoh> both from a user to become a template, and from user to user (e.g. administrator to all members of a group) 08:05:25 <dobedobedoh> But that's probably more a web interface request than API now I think about it... 08:06:27 <pxh> ok - noted 08:07:06 <dobedobedoh> Thanks pxh :) The WS API looks good 08:07:57 <dobedobedoh> Unless there are any objections, I'll move on to the next topic then... 08:08:58 <pxh> .. 08:09:02 <dobedobedoh> #topic Wiki - Adding extensions to make adding/editing pages easier [zzmonty] 08:09:24 <dobedobedoh> I don't think that zzmonty is here, does anyone want to discuss this in her absence? 08:09:33 <dobedobedoh> (I've seperated these into two topics btw) 08:10:07 <fmarier> we should probably do it next time if she's around 08:10:14 <dobedobedoh> okay 08:10:26 <dobedobedoh> I'll park it straight onto the next meeting wiki page 08:10:29 <dobedobedoh> #topic Wiki - Request to allow additional extensions (.zip) to make it easier for user contributed content [zzmonty] 08:10:38 <dobedobedoh> I guess the same is true for this one fmarier? 08:10:49 <fmarier> i've replied to that one on the forum already 08:11:03 <dobedobedoh> #info dobedobedoh to add zzmonty's items to the agenda for the next meeting 08:11:11 <fmarier> basically zip files should be on mahara.org where we can control quotas 08:11:23 <dobedobedoh> I'm not sure whether this item was added pre or post your comment on the forum 08:11:28 <fmarier> on the wiki, if we allow zip files, then people have unlimited storage for any kind of content at all 08:11:48 <fmarier> we can't afford to be a public dropbox :) 08:12:11 <fmarier> (on the old wiki, i found lots of spam pages and also personal files from random people) 08:12:34 <elky> I don't understand people. 08:12:34 <fmarier> .. 08:12:45 <dobedobedoh> Okay, well I'll park these for the next meeting then 08:13:25 <dobedobedoh> Which brings us on to the next topic 08:13:30 <dobedobedoh> #topic Next meeting time/date and Chair 08:13:48 <fmarier> and i've got something else for the "any other business" part too 08:13:52 <dobedobedoh> Next month's meeting will be an evening UTC meeting 08:14:07 <dobedobedoh> okay... AOB will be next ;) I accidentally reversed the order 08:14:28 <dobedobedoh> Anyone have any suggestions for next month? 08:14:30 <dobedobedoh> Tuesday 1st November @ 19:30 UTC (19:30 GMT/08:30 NZST) 08:14:35 <dobedobedoh> #idea Tuesday 1st November @ 19:30 UTC (19:30 GMT/08:30 NZST) 08:15:05 <fmarier> what would it look like the week after? 08:15:24 <fmarier> because the week after would be after daylight saving kicks in 08:15:27 <dobedobedoh> 8th November? 08:15:29 <dobedobedoh> Ah okay 08:15:34 <anitsirk> the week after or even tuesday evening GMT would be better 08:16:21 <anitsirk> isn't daylight savings the last sunday in october? 08:16:24 * anitsirk checks 08:16:29 <dobedobedoh> So that'd be Tuesday 8th November @ 18:30 UTC (19:30 GMT/08:30 NZST) ? 08:17:08 <anitsirk> yep. daylight savings ends on 30 october 2011 for europe 08:17:12 <fmarier> dobedobedoh: no 08:17:16 <fmarier> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20111108T1930 08:17:23 <fmarier> UTC doesn't do daylight savings :) 08:17:38 <dobedobedoh> Which bits wrong? 08:18:38 * dobedobedoh spots it 08:19:02 <fmarier> 19:30 UTC is: 19:30 London time (Tue) and 08:30 NZ time (Wed) 08:19:06 <dobedobedoh> #idea Tuesday 8th November @ 19:30 UTC (19:30 GMT/08:30 9th NZST) ? 08:19:36 <fmarier> it's better to never print out more than one date 08:19:46 <fmarier> that way you can never have conflicting ones :) 08:20:08 * elky mutters something about timezones. 08:20:17 * fmarier once missed a Mahara meeting because of wrong conversions in the minutes of the previous meeting 08:20:26 <anitsirk> time is fine for me 08:20:33 <dobedobedoh> works for me 08:20:35 <dobedobedoh> #agreed 08:20:43 <fmarier> #agreed 08:20:51 <dobedobedoh> Any volunteers for chair? 08:21:48 <dobedobedoh> #info Next developer meeting to be held on Tuesday 8th November @ 19:30 UTC - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20111108T1930 08:22:38 <fmarier> i'm guessing we've all done it once? 08:22:47 <dobedobedoh> If no-one comes forward soon, I'll pick someone unsuspecting... 08:22:52 <dobedobedoh> yeah I think so 08:23:36 <fmarier> i'll do it then 08:23:37 <anitsirk> don't think so 08:24:03 <dobedobedoh> #info Next meeting to be chaired by fmarier 08:24:06 <richardm> erm, no i haven't done it yet 08:24:13 <richardm> i'll do it, sorry 08:24:18 <dobedobedoh> ooh okay :) 08:24:19 <dobedobedoh> #undo 08:24:19 <maharameet> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x9805f8c> 08:24:26 <dobedobedoh> #info Next meeting to be chaired by richardm 08:24:27 <elky> ... 08:24:43 <dobedobedoh> have you done it elky? 08:24:58 <dobedobedoh> #topic Any other business 08:25:01 <fmarier> richardm: https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/Developer_Meetings/Chair_Duties 08:25:04 <elky> dobedobedoh, not yet. 5 minutes after i get out of bed isn't the best idea either ;) 08:25:07 <fmarier> (in case you haven't seen it) 08:25:14 <elky> nex time perhaps 08:25:21 <elky> as in, the one after richardm 08:25:22 <richardm> fmarier: thanks 08:25:25 <dobedobedoh> heh indeed. I did suggest a while back that we chair in our own evenings 08:25:27 <anitsirk> then the december meeting may be yours. that'll be in the evening ;-) 08:25:40 <elky> sounds good 08:25:47 <anzeljg> I've got a couple of questions 08:25:47 <dobedobedoh> fmarier - you had an AOB? 08:25:58 <anzeljg> #info anzeljg wants to let everybody know that his development Mahara install at http://mahara.ledina.org/DEV/ no longer exists 08:26:00 <fmarier> so the point i wanted to bring up is bug numbers in commits 08:26:40 <dobedobedoh> anzeljg: You oky to come after fmarier? 08:26:48 <fmarier> basically, i think it's a good thing and we've been pretty good at including them, but at the same time, i think that it shouldn't be a strict requirement 08:26:50 <anzeljg> yes, sorry to interrupt 08:27:33 <elky> fmarier, should we be committing things that don't exist in the bugtracker? 08:27:37 <fmarier> because it might discourage people from code cleanups and small trivial fixes if they have to take the pain of filing a bug report for them 08:27:52 <anitsirk> trivial fixes such as small typos. 08:28:16 <fmarier> there are clear-cut cases like: you're adding a new feature, or you're fixing a bug that has been nagging a lot of users 08:28:32 <fmarier> these ones should obviously have bugs so that they're more visible to users and admins 08:28:58 <fmarier> so i think that it should be a discretionary thing on the part of the reviewers 08:29:02 <richardm> yeah i think we already decided they shouldn't be a strict requirement a couple of meetings ago 08:29:16 <dobedobedoh> yeah - I'm inclined to agree 08:29:18 <fmarier> if a reviewer thinks that it would be useful, then it probably should have one 08:29:19 <elky> fmarier, should we ask them to use a certain string so we know not to try marry it to the bugtracker? 08:29:43 <fmarier> but i've seen some reviews where it's like "no bug link, -1" 08:29:58 <anitsirk> always creating a bug for fixing one typo in a lang string doesn't merit a bug report. i did a couple of times, but it seems like too much hoopla for a couple of letter changes. so fmarier suggested i can clean up lang strings without creating a bug for each which would be awesome and less disruptive on the tracker. 08:29:58 <fmarier> .. 08:30:12 <elky> ok, which just means we need to decide our expectations and document it. 08:30:34 <dobedobedoh> ok 08:31:13 <fmarier> it's already documented in the "how to review" wiki page: https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/How_to_Review_Code#Commit_message 08:31:36 <dobedobedoh> Is that everything you wanted to raise fmarier? 08:32:06 <elky> if we want to use the bug numbers to keep track of changes for bugs, then having typo fix commits have, say (typo fix) instead of (bug #xxxxxx) would help avoid the "no link, -1" 08:32:09 <fmarier> i've added two examples to that wiki page 08:32:30 <fmarier> elky: i don't think it needs to be computer-readable 08:32:38 * iarenaza says hi 08:32:43 <anitsirk> hi iarenaza 08:32:45 <fmarier> if the commit is obvious, then the reviewer should pick up on that 08:32:54 <anzeljg> hi iarenaza 08:33:05 <fmarier> reviewing requires good judgment 08:33:34 <pxh> +1 08:33:52 <pxh> oops - sorry 08:33:54 <elky> fmarier, of course, but spending half an hour trying to find a bug it relates to when launchpad goes the speed of a snail is also not idea. 08:33:58 <elky> ideal* 08:34:32 <elky> it's just a thought 08:34:34 <fmarier> well if the commit is trivial, then you don't have to search for a bug 08:34:40 <fmarier> or create a new one 08:34:58 <fmarier> so i think we're saying the same thing 08:35:33 <dobedobedoh> I think we can probably manage without bug numbers and use our judgement if it's a trivial change 08:36:32 <elky> I think it can't hurt to encourage submitters to identify if it's related to a bug or not 08:38:07 <dobedobedoh> I think people generally will 08:38:24 <dobedobedoh> I'm going got suggest that we move on to anzeljg's AOB now as this topic seems to be circling 08:38:40 <elky> ok 08:39:16 <dobedobedoh> anzeljg: The floor is yours 08:39:46 <anzeljg> what is the answer about pChart? 08:39:57 <anzeljg> In the meantime, I'm implementing eZ Components (Graph Component) insted of pChart 08:40:49 <fmarier> anzeljg: so far, i haven't received an answer from the author to my questions 08:41:08 <fmarier> so we should probably assume for now that it's not open source 08:41:13 <fmarier> and that we can't use it 08:41:14 <dobedobedoh> #info fmarier hasn't heard back from the author of pChart about licensing conflicts 08:41:35 <dobedobedoh> #info anzeljg implementing eZ Components instead 08:41:44 <anzeljg> ok 08:42:06 <anzeljg> and my other question - is there something new on skin support integration? 08:43:17 <dobedobedoh> richardm: Do you have any info on this? 08:43:23 <fmarier> i haven't had time to look at it yet 08:43:34 * iarenaza Looking at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pchart/ it says it's GPL-ed 08:44:30 <richardm> no, i've been too busy as well 08:44:31 <dobedobedoh> iarenaza: http://www.pchart.net/license states that it's not for commercial application without buying a license which != GPL 08:44:49 <anitsirk> but if the author doesn't get back isn't that also a sign that the project may not be very active? 08:45:15 <fmarier> anitsirk: the author got back to me on my initial query, but then i haven't heard back when i sent him a few questions 08:45:28 <fmarier> so i think the project is active 08:45:40 <dobedobedoh> #info No update on skins support... ongoing 08:45:48 <fmarier> i would just want to clarify whether or not it's under the GPL 08:45:55 <fmarier> from what's on the website, it's not 08:46:40 <fmarier> anyways, i'll update the bug if/when i hear back 08:46:56 <dobedobedoh> Is there anything else to discuss? 08:47:05 <anzeljg> not from me 08:47:05 <iarenaza> fmarier: the text from dobedobedoh's link is rather ambiguous, so a definitive answer from the author is really a good idea :) 08:47:25 <iarenaza> not from me either (anything else to discuss) 08:47:25 <anzeljg> just an idea: maybe we can also use eZ Components (Documnet 08:48:01 <anzeljg> just an idea: maybe we can also use eZ Components (Document component) for PDF export 08:48:05 <fmarier> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/721496 08:48:08 <maharabot`> Launchpad bug 721496 in mahara "Using pChart as framework for rendering graphs in Mahara" [Wishlist,Won't fix] 08:48:14 <fmarier> that's the bug to subscribe to if you're interested 08:48:17 <dobedobedoh> IIRC lamiette was working on PDF export and it's nearly complete 08:48:27 <anzeljg> ok 08:48:43 <dobedobedoh> Perhaps she can comment on that idea when she's available 08:48:51 <anzeljg> fine with me 08:49:10 <fmarier> anzeljg: do you know if it requires having xwindows installed? 08:49:28 <fmarier> because that's one of the downsides of the package that lamiette used in her pdf export code 08:49:31 <anzeljg> what? eZ Components? 08:49:44 <fmarier> many servers don't have X installed 08:50:01 <fmarier> anzeljg: yeah the pdf generation in eZ Components 08:50:03 <anzeljg> http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Document 08:50:13 <anzeljg> will look... 08:51:05 <fmarier> it seems to be a wrapper for TCPDF or Haru 08:51:30 <anzeljg> haven't find it, but see http://ezcomponents.org/docs/api/trunk/introduction_Document.html#writing-pdf 08:52:41 <anzeljg> it requires haru - http://ezcomponents.org/introduction/requirements 08:52:59 <elky> Doesnt look like it, fmarier. at least, i can't find mention with a search of the site 08:53:56 <dobedobedoh> Is there anything else to dicuss re ezcomponents/pChart ? 08:54:02 <anzeljg> Document component: iconv and haru, Graph component: iconv, xml and dom 08:54:08 <anzeljg> no 08:55:10 <lamiette> hello (apologies for lateness) 08:55:17 <anitsirk> hi lamiette 08:55:21 <pxh> hi 08:55:25 <anzeljg> hi 08:55:28 <dobedobedoh> I guess we need to confirm whether X is required for ezcomponents? Would someone like to take that as an action for the nex meeting? 08:55:29 <iarenaza> hi lamiette 08:55:32 <dobedobedoh> #help 08:55:38 <dobedobedoh> Hi lamiette 08:56:09 <iarenaza> fmarier: Btw, pchart 1.x (from pchart.sourceforge.net) is clearly GPL (the headers in the source code say so). It's 2.x (from pchart.net) that is "dual licensed". 08:56:15 <lamiette> PDF export was/is working last time I looked at it, but I wanted to fix some issues with general exporting of collections vs single pages 08:56:24 <lamiette> I opened a tracker item for it 08:56:41 <lamiette> so the whole thing still needs some work, and may be a bit dated now already 08:57:28 <lamiette> I've not had much time to revisit it with other work but am hoping to get some time in a few weeks 08:58:53 <dobedobedoh> Would someone be able to look at ezcomponets re: xwin then? 08:59:54 <dobedobedoh> I'm going to try and wrap the meeting up now 09:00:27 <dobedobedoh> Are there any new AOB to discuss? 09:00:47 <anitsirk> not from me 09:01:05 <iarenaza> not from me 09:01:07 <pxh> no 09:01:12 <dobedobedoh> Well thank you all :) 09:01:16 <richardm> thanks dobedobedoh 09:01:20 <dobedobedoh> #endmeeting