19:35:46 <lamiette_> #startmeeting 19:35:46 <maharameet> Meeting started Wed Jun 29 19:35:46 2011 UTC. The chair is lamiette_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:35:46 <maharameet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:35:54 <lamiette_> #topic Meeting Attendees 19:36:31 <dobedobedoh> #info dobedobedoh is Andrew Nicols - LUNS Ltd, UK 19:36:36 <anitsirk> #info anitsirk is Kristina Hoeppner from Catalyst IT in Wellington, NZ 19:36:46 <rkabalin_> #info rkabalin_ is Ruslan Kabalin, LUNS Ltd., Lancaster, UK 19:36:52 <richardm> #info richardm is Richard Mansfield from Catalyst IT in Wellington, NZ 19:37:02 <lamiette_> #info lamiette_ is Stacey Walker from Catalyst IT in Brighton UK 19:37:06 <hughdavenport_ho> #info hughdavenport_ho is Hugh Davenport from Catalyst IT in Wellington, NZ 19:37:10 <Mjollnir`> anitsirk: what did i do ? 19:37:22 <Mjollnir`> oh you're doing meetings 19:37:24 <dan_p_> #info dan_p_ is Dan Poltawski, LUNS ltd uk (on train) 19:37:28 <thomaswbell88> #info thomaswbell88 is Thomas Bell from TDM Ltd, UK 19:37:29 * Mjollnir` goes away again 19:37:30 <fmarier_> #info is Francois Marier 19:37:30 <bugg_home> #info bugg_home is Brett Wilkinsa from Catalyst IT in Wellington, NZ 19:37:39 <bugg_home> Brett Wilkins* 19:37:43 <ricardomano> #info ricardomano is Richard Hand from TDM Ltd, UK 19:37:49 <anitsirk> hi Mjollnir`: you were on the train once on your laptop and also walking down the platform with your laptop open so you could attend the first dev meeting :-) 19:38:50 <Mjollnir`> oh yes 19:38:54 <Mjollnir`> kevin made a photo 19:39:04 <lamiette_> right, is that everyone ? 19:39:12 <dan_p_> Are we doing the . Thing again, for new atendees? 19:39:20 <anitsirk> pxh was here earlier 19:39:23 <bugg_home> ? 19:39:26 <thomaswbell88> ! thing sounds good, what is thing? 19:40:06 <pxh> #info pxh is Piers Harding from Catalyst IT in Wellington, NZ 19:40:31 * pxh will be here for 20 minutes 19:40:33 <lamiette_> dan_p_: what is the . thing for new attendees? 19:40:36 <fmarier_> the . (on a single line) is to indicate that you're doing talking 19:40:48 <fmarier_> so even if you write a multi-line comment 19:40:59 <fmarier_> like this one, with enters between them 19:40:59 <anitsirk> pxh: that means we should talk about web services first? 19:41:12 <lamiette_> anitsirk: I agree 19:41:14 <fmarier_> then you can still indicate you're done 19:41:15 <fmarier_> . 19:41:22 <anitsirk> sorry fmarier_ 19:41:39 <dan_p_> When you finish what you are saying put a . On line when done. So people dont need to wait 19:41:46 <pxh> anitsirk: can do - was not sure what people want to know about it ? 19:41:51 <dan_p_> Argh sorry. Slowtyper 19:42:42 <dan_p_> pxh: There was. Some interest in web services at mahara uk, would be good to know what you are working on 19:42:48 <dan_p_> . 19:42:59 <pxh> . 19:43:00 <pxh> OK 19:43:07 <dobedobedoh> #topic MNet future -- We're adding Web Services to 1.5 19:43:16 <pxh> so the basic are: 19:43:18 <dobedobedoh> hmm no power;) 19:43:31 <lamiette_> #topic MNet future -- We're adding Web Services to 1.5 19:43:33 <pxh> documentation is at https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Plugins/Artefact/WebServices 19:43:43 <fmarier_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Plugins/Artefact/WebServices 19:44:08 <pxh> I farmed it out into an artefact plugin because it is directly derived from Moodle web services in 2.x 19:45:19 <pxh> it follows the pattern of Moodle Web Services quite closely in terms of authentication via tokens or username/password, and it's use of Zend web services 19:46:05 <rkabalin_> So, it can potentially replace Mnet feature? 19:46:06 <pxh> features are: SOAP, REST (really just basic HTTP post parameters or JSON), and XML-RPC 19:46:36 <pxh> Auth via WSEE for SOAP, as well as the tokens/users (as mentioned before) 19:47:13 <pxh> it's plugable - as in it searches for externallib.php, and service.php definition files (like Moodle) at upgrade 19:47:26 <dan_p_> But Moodle web services are (supposed to be) pluggable, is the same true here 19:47:37 <pxh> rkabalin_: I would hope that it could quite easily replace mnet if needed 19:47:41 <dan_p_> Grr, sorry 19:47:45 * rkabalin_ sorry for interrupting 19:47:58 <pxh> yes dan_p - it is 19:48:36 <pxh> more features: has example commandline clients, and I'm just about to commit an interactive web based test client 19:48:42 <dan_p_> Are there advantages/limitations of making it a plugin itself? 19:48:47 <pxh> this was for the Ministry of Education NZ 19:49:08 <pxh> they wanted SOAP, but I wanted the rest (pun intended) 19:49:29 <fmarier_> pxh: nice one :) 19:49:41 <anitsirk> lol. you probably need it as well ;-) 19:49:52 <rkabalin_> It also can be used as API for various remote user/group/institution management tasks 19:49:58 <dan_p_> Harsh! 19:50:00 <pxh> from the MoE point of iew the main thing missing is signatures and encryption from WSSE - but nobody uses it 19:50:11 <pxh> ... but they are a guvament department 19:50:44 <pxh> yup - rkabalin_ - should have said that - there are 19 functions in the API already 19:50:56 <rkabalin_> that is cool 19:51:22 <Mjollnir`> why an artefact plugin and not a new top level plugin type ? 19:51:24 <pxh> and - to finish - I want to add OAuth as that will open it up properly to 3rd party dev 19:51:25 <pxh> . 19:51:28 <Mjollnir`> not that i really have any say :) 19:51:45 <pxh> Mjollnir`: ignorance probably 19:51:55 <bugg_home> pxh, can it talk to moodle (2.x) via this API? 19:52:00 <richardm> Mjollnir`: time constraints, we'll be moving it 19:52:27 <pxh> Mjollnir`: ... on my part that is 19:52:55 <Mjollnir`> is it really less work to make it an artefact plugin and have to implement contracts that you don't need than make a new top level plugin ? eh, maybe i dunno 19:52:59 <Mjollnir`> :) 19:53:19 * dan_p_ alighting train, connectivity unknown 19:53:24 <pxh> bugg_home: I haven't had time to test this yet - one of the things I wanted to do was to try and get it talking over the Moodle hub (in a limited way) but I'm still trying to deliver the original requirement to the MoE 19:54:27 <pxh> .. as they are paying for it at the moment 19:54:29 <lamiette_> pxh: so it's derived from Moodle 2.x but tested/written to work with 1.9 only at this stage? 19:56:14 <pxh> lamiette_: I haven't got as far as integration testing etc. with Moodle yet - once I get the MoE requirement behind me - I can look at making this useful to the wider Mahara community 19:56:25 <lamiette_> awesome 19:57:13 <dobedobedoh> pxh: Sounds good 19:57:18 <rkabalin_> yeah, that sounds great 19:57:21 <pxh> but anyway - useful things would be OAuth, and MNet replacement 19:57:23 <dobedobedoh> Look forward to reviewing on gerrit for master ;) 19:57:36 <lamiette_> #info pxh has writtten a web services framework, based on the Moodle 2.0 web services Further information at https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Plugins/Artefact/WebServices 19:57:46 <lamiette_> (sorry guys, i'm a bit slow on this chairing thing!) 19:58:01 <anitsirk> the first lms to integrate it with is not moodle to ensure that the api also works with others as mahara and moodle are closer to each other than mahara and another system 19:58:02 <rkabalin_> so with one feature we can potentially resolve two issues: Mnet and API 19:59:00 <lamiette_> #info pxh> features are: SOAP, REST (really just basic HTTP post parameters or JSON), and XML-RPC 19:59:14 <lamiette_> #info Auth via WSEE for SOAP, as well as the tokens/users (as mentioned before) 19:59:23 <dobedobedoh> pxh: When do you expect to submit this, and are you hoping to have it in 1.5? 20:00:38 <lamiette_> any more questions for pxh ? 20:00:41 <pxh> dobedobedoh: it needs work on cleaning the code base out - removing unnecessary cruft from the Moodle base - then it needs some fairly critical review 20:00:46 * rkabalin_ thinks it is already in contrib 20:01:19 <pxh> rkabalin_ yup - in contrib 20:01:28 <pxh> .. but not in core 20:01:34 <dobedobedoh> Cool. Hadn't seen it 20:01:47 * dobedobedoh has no further questions 20:01:58 <pxh> .. if it were to go in core then it would be moved out of being an artefact plugin 20:02:08 <lamiette_> righto, we're half an hour through and pxh said he had to move on at 20minutes 20:02:26 <pxh> plugin is at https://gitorious.org/mahara-contrib/artefact-webservice 20:02:38 <lamiette_> #link https://gitorious.org/mahara-contrib/artefact-webservice 20:02:53 <lamiette_> #info available as a contrib plugin 20:02:53 <pxh> lamiette_: thought I was on duty to take kids to school - but Marysia is doing it 20:03:07 <lamiette_> lucky :) 20:03:31 <lamiette_> rkabalin_: did you want to talk about the future of MNET while we're on a similar topic? 20:03:39 <lamiette_> or was that just a lead in to pxh web service? 20:04:30 <rkabalin_> Yep, a sort of, I was just going to rise the issue and notify that we have to start thinking about Mnet stuff 20:04:58 <lamiette_> I shall topic it and you can have the stage 20:05:12 <rkabalin_> not really needed 20:05:20 <lamiette_> okay ... 20:05:21 <rkabalin_> since we covered it in this discussion 20:05:38 <rkabalin_> .. 20:05:38 <lamiette_> I'm going to info something though :P 20:06:14 <lamiette_> #info we have to start thinking about Mnet stuff: largely due to this from Moodle HQ http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=175158 20:06:25 <lamiette_> right, is that all for MNET and web services? 20:06:37 <pxh> that's all from me 20:06:44 <rkabalin_> yep 20:06:58 <lamiette_> #topic Bug status proposal 20:07:05 <lamiette_> fmarier_: this one was yours 20:07:49 <fmarier_> ok, so let me start with the milestone thing 20:08:08 <fmarier_> so far, we've used milestones on the tracker for two things 20:08:31 <fmarier_> 1- as a bit of a TODO list for the upcoming release (that is, bugs that have a milestone but aren't done yet) 20:09:06 <fmarier_> 2- as a changelog or a detailed version of the release notes (once the release is done and the bugs are fixed) 20:09:26 <fmarier_> to make this more useful for #2, I'd like to propose the following 20:10:02 <fmarier_> we omit from the milestone bugs that don't apply to the stable releases 20:10:24 <fmarier_> so for example, if you add a new feature (say sitemaps) and they have a bug, 20:10:49 <fmarier_> then the fixup bug doesn't retain the 1.5 milestone when it's fixed 20:11:41 <fmarier_> the original feature bug goes onto the 1.5 milestone of course because it's one of the relevant changes from the stable branches, but the bug that got fixed in it isn't very relevant to people upgrading from 1.4 20:12:12 <lamiette_> #info milestones have been used for marking bugs to upcoming releases and as for a changelog/detailed version of the release notes 20:12:15 <fmarier_> in that case, you'd just mark the bug as "fix released" without a milestone 20:12:15 <lamiette_> fmarier_: makes sense to me 20:12:31 <fmarier_> because when you use "fix committed", you must specify a milestone 20:12:42 <dobedobedoh> So the milestone is more for bugs fixed since the last release, rather than aimed for the next 20:12:55 <fmarier_> otherwise the bug gets into that state and isn't listed anywhere so nobody remembers to flick it to fix released once 1.5 is out :) 20:13:03 <fmarier_> dobedobedoh: it's for both 20:13:27 <dobedobedoh> Ah I see 20:13:28 <fmarier_> but once a bug is fixed, you can remove the milestone if it doesn't make sense to have it stick around 20:13:30 <lamiette_> #info suggestion: for better changelog only mark main feature bugs with the milestone and any follow up fixes to that feature just as "fix committed" ommiting the milestone 20:13:47 <fmarier_> lamiette_: that's slightly wrong 20:13:50 <lamiette_> oh 20:13:55 <lamiette_> I misunderstood then sorry 20:14:03 <fmarier_> we mark ALL new features against the milestone 20:14:10 <fmarier_> and all bug fixes that apply to 1.4 20:14:12 <lamiette_> #undo 20:14:12 <maharameet> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x876ab4c> 20:14:22 <fmarier_> it's the bugs that only affect master that don't need to go on there 20:14:35 <fmarier_> for example, we broke the creation of new institutions recently 20:14:51 <fmarier_> but that doesn't need to be in our release notes, because we've never release a version of mahara with that bug 20:15:12 <fmarier_> so we would mark it as "fix release" with no milestone once it's been merged 20:15:13 <fmarier_> . 20:15:25 <rkabalin_> I see fmarier_ 20:16:31 <rkabalin_> so basically all new features and previous relese fixes are marked with milestone 20:16:31 <fmarier_> so anyways, i want to run it past all of you to see if you have any objections 20:17:15 <fmarier_> richardm brought something up: if you change a new feature in a significant way, then that should probably also have the milestone set so that it's visible 20:17:45 <lamiette_> fmarier_: yup 20:17:49 <fmarier_> but if you're just fixing it so that it does what it was supposed to do in the first place when you merged it on master, then it's probably not worth it 20:17:55 <fmarier_> . 20:18:10 <fmarier_> rkabalin_: yes 20:18:11 <richardm> i'd also suggest we could take care of thta case by repoening the feature bug 20:18:30 <fmarier_> richardm: true 20:19:05 <lamiette_> richardm: so in the case (using something I know) of dropdowns we could open the existing feature bug again for the inst membership navigation move to Groups yeah? 20:19:22 <richardm> lamiette_: yeah, that's a good idea 20:19:25 <lamiette_> sweet 20:19:28 <fmarier_> sounds good 20:19:47 <richardm> sometimes if it's a regression we don't know what feature caused it though :( 20:20:14 <lamiette_> richardm: I suppose this only works for things we know then, but that'd at least take care of a fair amount 20:20:33 <fmarier_> richardm: if you know it's only on master, then you don't need the milestone 20:21:16 <lamiette_> so everyone understand/ in agreement? 20:21:29 <fmarier_> what i'm suggesting is a guideline, we can see how it goes and adjust if anything we haven't thought about pops up 20:21:34 <lamiette_> fmarier_: will you document this? :) 20:21:49 <fmarier_> yes, i'll update the bug status page if everybody agrees 20:21:59 <rkabalin_> I like reopening idea, we will have less bugs then and it will be easier to follow all the stuff related to the particular featute 20:22:09 <rkabalin_> I agree 20:22:45 <lamiette_> #action fmarier_ to update the bug status page with new "milestone" usage guidelines 20:23:08 <rkabalin_> less issues on the tracker I mean 20:23:12 <lamiette_> fmarier_: you had a couple more points in that list? 20:23:24 <fmarier_> the other minor point i had in there was that all new features added to master should have a bug on the tracker 20:23:35 <fmarier_> that will help heaps when we write the release notes for 1.5 :) 20:23:36 <dobedobedoh> agreed 20:23:51 <lamiette_> yup, agreed 20:23:53 <rkabalin_> makes sense 20:24:01 <dobedobedoh> I was also going to suggest that we add a Makefile target to check that they're also specified in the commit message 20:24:07 <richardm> agree (even though i'm a serial offender) 20:24:09 <dobedobedoh> In a specific format 20:24:19 <lamiette_> dobedobedoh: that's on fmarier_ 's list :) 20:24:24 * dobedobedoh added it there ;) 20:24:31 <lamiette_> ohhhhh I seee 20:24:38 <fmarier_> dobedobedoh: that would however imply that every commit needs a bug number, right? 20:24:47 <fmarier_> which we haven't enforced so far 20:24:52 <dobedobedoh> Correct 20:25:00 <dobedobedoh> I thought that the two would go pretty much hand-in-hand 20:25:04 <fmarier_> do people want that? 20:25:18 <lamiette_> #info every new feature on master should have a bug report associated with it 20:25:25 <fmarier_> i personnally can see that for some small commits, it's a bit overkill 20:25:29 <fmarier_> (like a typo fix) 20:25:35 <hughdavenport_ho> sortof makes sense 20:25:45 <richardm> I'm less keen on forcing bug numbers for every commit 20:25:50 <dobedobedoh> I think it would really help with the changelogs -- as I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong), it would automatically fill the changelog -- https://launchpad.net/mahara/1.4/1.4.0 under "View the full changelog" 20:25:50 <bugg_home> it'd be a good rule of thumb, but not something to actively enforce 20:25:58 <dobedobedoh> Fair enough 20:26:04 <hughdavenport_ho> small fixes can just be tagged to a default bug of say "Fix typos" etc 20:26:17 <richardm> dobedobedoh: i thnk it's the milestones that fill the changelog 20:26:24 <fmarier_> yeah perhaps it should be actively requested by reviewers 20:26:35 <fmarier_> except for trivial cases 20:26:51 <lamiette_> fmarier_: if we do that we could see how often bug numbers are requested and used 20:26:54 <hughdavenport_ho> we could put it in the minaccept check, and then discard it if it's trivial 20:26:55 <dobedobedoh> Perhaps that's a better solution -- reviewers requesting it 20:27:00 <lamiette_> and if it's then worth making it an enforcement etc 20:27:23 <dobedobedoh> Or, if it is trivial, using something like (minorbug) instead of (bug #xyz) 20:27:24 <dobedobedoh> but better 20:27:24 <dobedobedoh> . 20:27:59 <rkabalin_> dobedobedoh: yeah, I like minorbug idea 20:28:06 <fmarier_> to me, it seems similar to: -1, your commit message doesn't really explain what you did 20:28:22 <fmarier_> it's a subjective thing that relies on the reviewer's good judgment 20:28:52 <richardm> I think it's also overkill when you have a series of commits for 1 feature 20:28:53 <bugg_home> I'm happy to leave it up to the reviewer 20:29:04 <richardm> it doesn't always make sense to use the same bug number 20:29:17 <richardm> (but maybe you need to create another bug at that point) 20:29:28 <bugg_home> richardm: agreed. 20:29:57 <lamiette_> right, lets move on yeah? 20:30:26 <dobedobedoh> I don't mind either way, but I think that we should be actively trying to encourage use of bug #s so reviewers demanding works for me :) 20:30:27 <fmarier_> do we have agreement on being stricter about forgotten bug numbers without making it mandatory? 20:30:43 <richardm> yes, agree 20:30:46 <fmarier_> (mandatory for new features though) 20:30:49 <dobedobedoh> yup 20:31:00 <rkabalin_> agree 20:31:03 <lamiette_> yup 20:31:10 <hughdavenport_ho> yes 20:31:14 <bugg_home> yes 20:32:02 <lamiette_> #info reviewers to be stricter about suitable bug numbers for features submitted to gerrit - isn't mandatory though 20:32:26 <lamiette_> right, a quick topic now: 20:32:31 <lamiette_> #topic MaharaUK2011 20:32:40 <lamiette_> seeing as this just happened 20:33:00 <lamiette_> i wanted to bring it to attention in case anyone had anything interesting to say about it 20:33:48 <lamiette_> one rumor i've heard from it is that we're going to have a northern UK maharauk12 ;) 20:34:02 <dobedobedoh> That's the plan 20:34:29 <dobedobedoh> LUNS and TDM have both offered to host maharauk, so we've suggested that 12 is in Lancaster, hosted by LUNS 20:34:35 <dobedobedoh> and 13 is in the West Midlands, hosted by TDM 20:34:46 <thomaswbell88> I don't think its a underground secret, but it's planned ... as above :P 20:34:58 <lamiette_> #info LUNS and TDM have both offered to host maharauk, so we've suggested that 12 is in Lancaster, hosted by LUNS and 13 is in the West Midlands, hosted by TDM 20:35:06 <dobedobedoh> We're waiting for feedback from the governance group as far as I understand 20:35:18 <lamiette_> sweet 20:35:24 <anitsirk> sam told me that meredith and roger are writing the conference report. lamiette_ do you have any idea if there is a 100 words or so in it for the newsletter (out tomorrow) or shall i just write that it happened at that the report will be on the web site soon? 20:35:28 <anitsirk> . 20:35:30 <lamiette_> other things were: 20:35:39 <lamiette_> great interest in skins from lots of people 20:35:51 <thomaswbell88> There was also talk about some entity hosting online 'conferences' inbetween during the year 20:35:58 <thomaswbell88> . 20:36:20 <bugg_home> thomaswbell88: webinar type things? 20:36:33 <lamiette_> and anitsirk's what was it 22.5 million ways to get involved (?) being quite a popular discussion 20:37:01 <thomaswbell88> yep, it was asked as a question by a delegate and followed up with a few, mmm's and arrr's 20:37:30 <lamiette_> anitsirk: not sure, but I can check with them tomorrow morning 20:37:33 * dobedobedoh has a list of feature ideas that he thought up during the conference to add to the tracker 20:37:40 <lamiette_> anitsirk: newsletter for tomorrow NZ time yeah? 20:38:08 * lamiette_ and paul did the navigation dropdown thing while at the conference 20:38:12 <anitsirk> haven't heard back from meredith yet. yep, NZ time. so your tomorrow morning would still be fine if the text comes through with it. just 100-150 words though please. that's enough. 20:38:18 <lamiette_> inspired by thomaswbell88's page editing JS 20:38:37 <lamiette_> anitsirk: I'll chase it up 20:39:02 <lamiette_> oh, fmarier_ : we had the keysigning party 20:39:02 <anitsirk> thank you. otherwise i'll just mention it and refer to the web site 20:39:04 <lamiette_> there was no cake 20:39:12 <anitsirk> huh? 20:39:25 <dobedobedoh> The key signing party consisted of lamiette, rkabalin, and myselft 20:39:32 <lamiette_> it was rocking! 20:39:37 <anitsirk> what is a key signing party? 20:39:42 <fmarier_> cool, we'll have a stronger trust path between NZ and the UK now :) 20:39:53 <dobedobedoh> Indeed :) 20:39:59 <anitsirk> oh the gpg key? 20:40:02 <fmarier_> anitsirk: signing each other's gpg keys 20:40:02 <lamiette_> anitsirk: signing gpg keys, so we know to trust each other 20:40:06 <thomaswbell88> they are real people now, not I I'm afraid 20:40:17 <fmarier_> #link http://cryptnet.net/fdp/crypto/keysigning_party/en/keysigning_party.html 20:40:21 <fmarier_> for the gory details 20:40:30 <dobedobedoh> thomaswbell88: We'll get you gitted and gpg'd up soon Im' sure ;) 20:40:55 <lamiette_> #info There was also talk about some entity hosting online 'conferences' inbetween during the year (webinar type things) 20:41:02 <dobedobedoh> rkabalin did a presentation on gerrit, and I did a tour of git to get people more interested in developing features 20:41:23 <dobedobedoh> slides are available online 20:41:28 <lamiette_> emphasis was definitely on contributing to mahara this year 20:41:34 <dobedobedoh> Definately 20:41:37 <lamiette_> oh slide links everyone ? 20:42:20 <lamiette_> #info twitter hashtag #maharauk11 for anyone interested in seeing what attendees had to say 20:42:39 <dobedobedoh> #link http://t.co/dFHqjYX - Git in Mahara 20:43:00 <rkabalin_> http://www.slideshare.net/rkabalin/presentations - both my presentations 20:43:28 <thomaswbell88> I fumbled through a 'non-presentation' (no slides) on the dev day 20:43:29 <lamiette_> #link http://www.slideshare.net/rkabalin/presentations 20:44:10 <dobedobedoh> #link http://www.slideshare.net/andrewnicols/presentations for mine 20:44:25 <anitsirk> ok. if everybody posts their presentation links, here's the 21 3/4 ways to get involved in mahara (recording is so far only on youtube) 20:44:26 <fmarier_> rkabalin_: i really liked your gerrit presentation 20:44:28 <anitsirk> #link http://www.slideshare.net/4nitsirk/21-34-ways-to-get-involved-in-mahara 20:44:44 <dobedobedoh> If anyone is interested in more info on the isolated institutions feature, rkabalin also presented on that 20:44:44 <fmarier_> well, the slide contents at least, i wasn't there to see the live thing ;-) 20:44:47 <rkabalin_> fmarier_: thanks 20:44:48 <lamiette_> thomaswbell88's tools panel http://yfrog.com/gzbkqiej 20:45:01 <anitsirk> #link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbz9vST0CLw recording 20:45:15 * dobedobedoh thinks that's all he has to say about maharauk11 20:45:45 <lamiette_> #link Mark Osbornes keynote http://prezi.com/dubgzzefzioj/maharauk-open-for-learning/ 20:45:48 <lamiette_> yup 20:45:50 <lamiette_> lets move on 20:46:05 <lamiette_> #topic Mahara Reviewer applications# 20:46:12 <lamiette_> we have three: 20:46:17 <lamiette_> hughdavenport_ho: 20:46:20 <lamiette_> bugg_home: 20:46:24 <lamiette_> and lordp 20:46:28 <rkabalin_> wait 20:46:35 <lamiette_> ? 20:46:48 <rkabalin_> I was going to mention thomaswbell88's idea 20:47:00 <rkabalin_> about badges on the forum 20:47:18 <anitsirk> shall we just do it after the applications? 20:47:18 <rkabalin_> (see 3.2 on agenda) 20:47:23 <rkabalin_> ok 20:47:38 <lamiette_> oh right, sorry rkabalin_ 20:47:57 <anitsirk> applicants, please step forward. lorp should be here now as well. 20:48:16 <hughdavenport_ho> hello 20:48:22 <bugg_home> hi all 20:48:33 <lamiette_> #info Hugh Davenport Mahara reviewer application 20:48:49 <lamiette_> #info Brett Wilkins Mahara reviewer application 20:49:09 <fmarier_> so who is a current reviewer (and online) at the moment? 20:49:14 * fmarier_ is a reviewer 20:49:21 * dobedobedoh is a reviewer 20:49:26 <lamiette_> #info Darryl Hamilton Mahara reviewer application 20:49:32 <lamiette_> I think I am 20:49:38 <lordp> #info lordp is Darryl Hamilton 20:49:46 * rkabalin_ is reviewer 20:49:49 * richardm is a reviewer 20:50:03 <dobedobedoh> lamiette_: yup you are 20:50:12 <dobedobedoh> Just missing dan_p who'se probably lost packets 20:50:17 <fmarier_> so we've got five? 20:50:24 <dobedobedoh> 5 out of 6 20:50:26 <lamiette_> is five what we need? 20:50:38 * lamiette_ forgets how many we need 20:50:48 <fmarier_> we haven't really set a quorum, this is the first time we do this :) 20:51:01 <fmarier_> but if we had only 1, it would be a bit dodgy 20:51:07 <lamiette_> right, let the games begin then! 20:51:07 <fmarier_> 5 is plenty i'd say 20:51:11 <dobedobedoh> consensus decision rules, with those at the meeting entitled to vote 20:51:33 <lamiette_> first up: hughdavenport_ho 20:51:35 * dan_p is back 20:51:37 <hughdavenport_ho> hello 20:51:38 <fmarier_> dobedobedoh: those _reviewers_ at the meeting :) 20:51:39 <dobedobedoh> http://meetbot.mahara.org/mahara-dev/2010/mahara-dev.2010-11-10-07.34.html FYI 20:51:52 <dobedobedoh> sorry yes, only reviewers 20:52:13 <lamiette_> hmm, I haven't been doing "agrees" oops 20:52:42 <lamiette_> anyway - vote? 20:53:06 <lamiette_> and who is sponsoring 20:53:11 <lamiette_> fmarier_: are you for all three? 20:53:15 <fmarier_> any questions for hughdavenport_ho ? 20:53:18 <hughdavenport_ho> some info on what I have done https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/User:Hughdavenport 20:54:03 <hughdavenport_ho> . 20:54:44 <fmarier_> btw, the "becoming a reviewer" process has been documented here: https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/Code_Review 20:55:14 <fmarier_> (slightly modified version from the meeting log above given that we no longer have committers) 20:56:18 <fmarier_> do people need more time to read hughdavenport_ho bugg_home and lordp 's pages? 20:56:30 <lamiette_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/Code_Review 20:56:40 <lamiette_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/User:Hughdavenport 20:56:54 <fmarier_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/User:Brettwilkins 20:57:00 * dobedobedoh is ready to vote 20:57:01 <fmarier_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/User:Darrylh 20:57:39 * fmarier_ is ready as well 20:57:47 * rkabalin_ ready to vote, in fact read through their reports prior the meeting 20:57:53 <dobedobedoh> ditto 20:57:59 <richardm> yep, me too 20:58:12 <dan_p> ready to vote!! 20:58:25 <fmarier_> dan_p: awesome we have a full house :) 20:58:34 <fmarier_> lamiette_: ready? 20:58:40 <lamiette_> yup 20:59:02 * fmarier_ moves to accept hughdavenport_ho as a Mahara reviewer 20:59:19 * rkabalin_ accepts hughdavenport_ho as a Mahara reviewer 20:59:20 * dobedobedoh moves to accept hughdavenport_ho as a Mahara reviewer 20:59:36 * richardm accepts hughdavenport_ho as a Mahara reviewer 20:59:42 * dan_p accepts hughdavenport_ho as a Mahara reviewer 20:59:54 * lamiette_ moves to accept hughdavenport_ho as a Mahara reviewer 21:00:18 <lordp> fire alarm at catalyst 21:00:23 <anitsirk> fireall at catalystback in a minute or later 21:00:28 <dan_p> lol 21:00:30 <lamiette_> typical 21:00:31 <fmarier_> nice :) 21:00:31 <hughdavenport_ho> :P 21:00:35 <bugg_home> lol 21:00:37 <lamiette_> lets talk about them while they're gone 21:00:40 <fmarier_> we were overdue for a firedrill 21:00:43 <dan_p> best timimg 21:00:50 * fmarier_ is supposed to be the fire warden 21:00:56 <hughdavenport_ho> heh 21:01:03 * bugg_home is supposed to be fmarier_'s backup 21:01:08 <richardm> we can still vote without them, all the reviewers are still here 21:01:09 <bugg_home> xD 21:01:12 <hughdavenport_ho> double heh 21:01:24 <lamiette_> k, anyway 21:01:24 <fmarier_> who's not here? just anitsirk ? 21:01:28 <lamiette_> was that all of us? 21:01:29 <bugg_home> fmarier_: peterb won't even be at work yet 21:01:37 <bugg_home> fmarier_: anitsirk and lordp 21:01:45 <fmarier_> ok, let's vote on bugg_home then 21:02:48 <bugg_home> lamiette_: that was all of you 21:03:04 <lamiette_> cool 21:03:05 <fmarier_> any questions for bugg_home? 21:03:05 <lamiette_> #agreed Hugh Davenport to become Mahara reviewer 21:04:09 <lamiette_> none from me 21:04:20 <dan_p> I was at a wedding this weekend, the mahara-dev proces feels strangely familiar ;-) 21:04:32 <fmarier_> dan_p: lol 21:04:47 <lamiette_> who's kissing the bride then? 21:04:51 <waawaamilk> hah, those catalyst folk, what lols 21:04:53 * fmarier_ bags not 21:04:56 <hughdavenport_ho> uhhh... 21:04:57 <bugg_home> who's the bride? 21:04:58 <waawaamilk> ooh shit 21:05:01 <waawaamilk> they're back :p 21:05:08 * hughdavenport_ho thinks i should leave now... 21:05:42 <lamiette_> moving on 21:06:19 * lamiette_ moves to accept bugg_home as a Mahara reviewer 21:06:28 * dobedobedoh accepts bugg_home as a Mahara reviewer 21:06:53 <fmarier_> #agree 21:06:55 * richardm accepts bugg_home as a Mahara reviewer 21:07:06 * rkabalin_ accepts bugg_home as a Mahara reviewer 21:07:17 * dan_p accepts bugg_home as a Mahara reviewer 21:07:31 <richardm> arise, sir bugg_home 21:08:09 <bugg_home> richardm: I'll try to not be sick and make it into work today ;) 21:08:22 <richardm> arise, sir bugg 21:08:44 * dan_p wonders if we can sneak any extra mahara-dev vows 21:08:45 <fmarier_> right, so time for lordp 21:09:12 * dobedobedoh accepts lordp as a Mahara reviewer 21:09:23 <fmarier_> #agree 21:09:26 <lamiette_> #agreed Brett Wilkins to become a Mahara reviewer 21:09:28 * rkabalin_ accepts lordp as a Mahara reviewer 21:09:29 * richardm accepts lordp as a Mahara reviewer 21:09:30 <lamiette_> #agree 21:09:38 <lamiette_> fmarier_: can I action these to you? 21:09:43 <anitsirk> catalystas are coming back now 21:09:44 <dobedobedoh> they're already done! 21:09:49 <lamiette_> dobedobedoh: oh really? 21:09:56 * dobedobedoh has had two e-mails so far 21:09:57 <lamiette_> cool 21:10:05 * lamiette_ has ridiculously slow emial 21:10:07 <lamiette_> *email 21:10:08 <lamiette_> right 21:10:29 <lamiette_> that's all the applications so lets get back to rkabalin_ and thomaswbell88 forum badge thingamees 21:10:37 <fmarier_> is dan_p still here? 21:10:43 <dan_p> yep 21:10:49 <fmarier_> dd you vote on lordp ? 21:10:50 <anitsirk> fmarier: worst time ever for a fire drill as neither our fir wardens from level 6 were there. ;-) 21:11:00 <anitsirk> fir = fire 21:11:01 * dan_p accepts lordp as a Mahara reviwer 21:11:05 <bugg_home> anitsirk: and I, their backup, was not either 21:11:24 <fmarier_> anitsirk: yeah l6 is going to fail this one :) 21:11:26 <anitsirk> nope. i cleared l6 on behalf of you guys so that we could get back in 21:11:38 <lamiette_> *ahem* it's just gone 10pm over here ... 21:11:41 <lamiette_> :) 21:11:42 <fmarier_> we usually pass the afternoon ones though :) 21:11:49 <anitsirk> with flying colors 21:11:59 <anitsirk> ok. lordp is back as well. 21:12:19 <bugg_home> rkabalin_ and thomaswbell88's forum badges! 21:12:26 <bugg_home> :P 21:12:27 <rkabalin_> right 21:12:27 <fmarier_> lordp: please add your catalyst email address on launchpad 21:13:05 <rkabalin_> since thomaswbell88 is here, he might tell us about his idea himself 21:13:10 <thomaswbell88> sure 21:13:12 <lamiette_> unless he's fallen asleep .. 21:13:13 <rkabalin_> ;) 21:13:15 <thomaswbell88> zzz 21:13:16 <dobedobedoh> topic change? 21:13:27 <lamiette_> #topic mahara.org forum badges 21:13:31 <lamiette_> there 21:13:34 <dobedobedoh> :p 21:13:43 <lamiette_> thomaswbell88: go for it 21:14:16 <thomaswbell88> forum badges are used in many community forums to engage members.. examples for me are Ubuntu community 21:14:27 <thomaswbell88> i'm sure you've all seen them around? 21:14:39 <thomaswbell88> Most of you would have a Core Developer 'badge' 21:14:59 <thomaswbell88> or Code Reviewer for those privelaged 21:15:01 <fmarier_> we've already got lots of cool icons we can use for these badges :) 21:15:04 <thomaswbell88> ;P 21:15:10 <dobedobedoh> We'd probably have to modify the forum code 21:15:12 <anitsirk> yep. sounds good 21:15:14 * rkabalin_ Moodle forum is another example 21:15:15 <lordp> fmarier_: done 21:15:19 <dobedobedoh> Sounds good to me 21:15:34 <bugg_home> that sounds like a cool idea 21:15:37 <thomaswbell88> I thought it might engage more people to get involved in the contribution, which is certainly an issue i think? 21:15:45 * lamiette_ likes more pretty pictures 21:15:48 <fmarier_> thomaswbell88: do you want to start a wiki page with the list of badges you thought about? 21:16:07 <thomaswbell88> sure 21:16:12 <fmarier_> it could go on here: https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/Specifications_in_Development 21:16:32 <fmarier_> since it will be a new Mahara feature for mahara.org (but could be in core as well) 21:16:56 <rkabalin_> another good thing that you also know who replied to you on the forum - core developer, translator, contributior or just an ordinary user 21:17:06 <lamiette_> rkabalin_: yeah 21:17:11 <thomaswbell88> absolutely rkabalin 21:17:11 <richardm> yeah i vote for in core 21:17:16 <fmarier_> it would be good also to flesh out how people earn badges, who gives them, how, etc. 21:17:26 <bugg_home> fmarier_: we'd want to have institution-definable badges, in that case? 21:17:44 <fmarier_> bugg_home: maybe, but we could start with site-wide ones 21:17:48 <richardm> group admin might be better, seeing as the forums are all in groups 21:17:57 <bugg_home> ah 21:18:02 <richardm> like moderators 21:18:04 <anitsirk> i think it would also be good to see other forum posts from the same author more easily. the google search is ehm not really good. the dates and post info is all wrong for most things 21:18:13 <dan_p> have you guys seen teh particularl helpful moodlers group in moodle? 21:18:22 <fmarier_> if it's too complicated or too much work, then it's less likely it will happen 21:18:24 <rkabalin_> or it could be just a user reputation setting - we can just assign them 21:18:27 <lamiette_> fmarier_: could be like requested group membership or something - reviewers group, contrib plugins group, security group etc yeah 21:18:34 <fmarier_> dan_p: yeah that's a pretty good one 21:18:42 <bugg_home> would it be cool if the badges could be site-wide? that way when you place feedback on a pagge then your badges can show up there too 21:18:42 <anitsirk> groups are not associated with institutions, bugg_home 21:18:54 <dan_p> phm is algorithimically driven atm 21:19:59 <dan_p> "These people have written a lot of "useful" posts in the Using Moodle forums recently, as determined by the Moodle community when they rate posts. 21:20:02 <dan_p> The formula is currently: 21:20:05 <dan_p> Must have posted something in the past 60 days 21:20:07 <dan_p> Must have been rated "Useful" 14 or more times, by more than 8 raters 21:20:16 <dan_p> Must have a ratio of total ratings to total posts of 0.02 or greater.: 21:20:18 <dan_p> " 21:20:19 <dan_p> . 21:20:37 <richardm> bugg_home: yeah if the badges are used outside the forums site-wide would be better 21:20:53 <fmarier_> should we see what thomaswbell88 comes up with and discuss his "spec" at the next meeting? 21:21:02 <anitsirk> that also means we'd need post ratings. 21:21:05 <lamiette_> #agreed 21:21:10 <dobedobedoh> #agreed 21:21:11 <richardm> #agree 21:21:15 <rkabalin_> #agree 21:21:17 <fmarier_> #agree 21:21:21 <dan_p> anitsirk: not suggesting that as a solution, just a perspective 21:21:21 <bugg_home> #agree 21:21:26 <anitsirk> #agree 21:21:28 <hughdavenport_ho> #agree 21:21:28 <thomaswbell88> theres a lot of discussion around it, could it be put out in the developers forum inbetween now and next month? 21:21:40 <dan_p> anitsirk: in Mooodle land it used to be a manual process 21:21:44 <lamiette_> #action thomaswbell88 to come up with ideas for mahara.org badges and post on the wiki under Specifications in Development 21:21:47 <dan_p> #agreed 21:21:48 <anitsirk> thomaswbell88: you could put the spec on the wiki and then have the discussion in the forum 21:21:52 <lamiette_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Developer_Area/Specifications_in_Development 21:22:01 <bugg_home> when I mentioned institutions, I was thinking that people could have badges assigned by the institution, to highlight where they are from and where they have relevance. *shrugs* 21:22:53 <thomaswbell88> do I have to agree in meetbot language ? :P 21:23:00 <anitsirk> some teachers would like to see merrit badges for their students. similar but not quite the same 21:23:08 <lamiette_> true. you didn't agree and I actioned it! tehehe 21:23:20 <lamiette_> thomaswbell88: if you agree type: #agreed 21:23:28 <thomaswbell88> #agreed 21:23:28 <thomaswbell88> ! 21:23:51 <lamiette_> or is it just #agree 21:23:54 <dobedobedoh> with the d 21:24:02 <lamiette_> k 21:24:07 <lamiette_> rightr 21:24:10 <lamiette_> brilliant 21:24:17 <lamiette_> last item 21:24:27 <lamiette_> #topic Update on the user manual 21:24:29 <lamiette_> anitsirk: 21:24:37 <dobedobedoh> lamiette_ Don't forget fmarier's debian item 21:24:37 <anitsirk> i'll be quick. 21:24:41 <anitsirk> #info the user manual is now started in asciidoc. the repository contains a Makefile for easy creation of the output file. 21:24:45 <anitsirk> fmarier_ created a Makefile so that you only need to run that command over your manual txt files and it chooses all the updates ones to convert into html (so far). I'm getting used to the asciidoc markup, and up to now it's been a good experience as the markup is minimal compared to XML. Syntax-highlighting is a definite plus. It will be slow going in the beginning and I have to find a way to write the manual for mahara 1.5 as well because 21:24:45 <lamiette_> dobedobedoh: doh 21:24:47 <anitsirk> that way new features will hopefully not get lost. the idea is to have the manual for 1.5 evolving as 1.5 is developed so that it is ready when 1.5 is released. 21:24:51 <anitsirk> #info the manual sits in git, some information on where it is and how to set up asciidoc (esp. the syntax-highlighting in vim) is at 21:24:52 <lamiette_> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Manual/Manual_Setup 21:24:55 <anitsirk> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Manual/Manual_Setup 21:24:59 <anitsirk> We have not set it up with gerrit or any automatic testing yet as i'm the only one (maybe dajan soon) using it. Things to come: the actual html, chunked html (pages by chapter instead of one long document) output and pdf. in git you have the original txt files and the images (png and original svg for translations, adaptions etc. where available) but not the output html files. 21:25:03 <anitsirk> And the coolest thing of all: 21:25:07 <anitsirk> #info we now have another mahara family member: the Mahara Scribe thanks to evonne who came up with it. it's now also on the wiki. :-) 21:25:09 <anitsirk> . 21:25:19 <anitsirk> mhh. that didn't go as intended. 21:25:25 <lamiette_> woah, you came prepared 21:25:40 <anitsirk> wwanted to make it quick 21:25:44 <anitsirk> #info the user manual is now started in asciidoc. the repository contains a Makefile for easy creation of the output file. 21:25:50 <anitsirk> #info the manual sits in git, some information on where it is and how to set up asciidoc (esp. the syntax-highlighting in vim) is at 21:25:56 <anitsirk> #link https://wiki.mahara.org/index.php/Manual/Manual_Setup 21:26:02 <anitsirk> #info we now have another mahara family member: the Mahara Scribe thanks to evonne who came up with it. it's now also on the wiki. :-) 21:26:16 <anitsirk> . 21:27:03 <rkabalin_> That a great example how every meeting item should be presented ;) 21:27:13 <dobedobedoh> indeed 21:27:43 <dan_p> rkabalin_: well, i'd like to encourage discussion, else no point of having a meeting.. ;-) 21:27:44 <lamiette_> very quick 21:28:36 <lamiette_> anitsirk: you're definitely getting your head around git :) 21:28:54 <anitsirk> oh yeah :-) thanks to fmarier_ 21:28:54 <lamiette_> anyone have any further questions for anitsirk ? 21:29:37 <lamiette_> otherwise we'll move onto fmarier_ 's debian topic and try wrap up the meeting 21:29:40 <fmarier_> lamiette_: soon i expect she'll be pushing patches to gerrit 21:29:55 <fmarier_> and we'll see her name in the 1.5 credits 21:30:07 <lamiette_> fmarier_: woot! 21:30:16 <anitsirk> awesome :-) 21:30:57 <lamiette_> right 21:31:00 <lamiette_> #topic Invitation to join the Debian Packaging team 21:31:03 <lamiette_> fmarier_: 21:31:08 <lamiette_> (sorry I missed you before) 21:31:13 <fmarier_> well, there's not much to add really :) 21:31:23 <lamiette_> heh 21:31:30 <fmarier_> and dobedobedoh and rkabalin_ have already responded to it 21:31:48 <fmarier_> it was mostly a call for volunteers to expand the one-person packaging team :) 21:31:53 <bugg_home> so what's the gist? 21:31:54 <bugg_home> oh 21:31:56 <richardm> me too 21:32:04 <dan_p> fmarier_: how much commitment do you need ;-) 21:32:09 <dobedobedoh> It makes sense for us -- we use debian almost exclusively, and we package pretty much everything we write 21:32:10 <lamiette_> fmarier_: 3 active members 21:32:12 <lamiette_> :) 21:32:22 <dobedobedoh> s/write/use/ 21:32:51 <dan_p> fmarier_: I think its interesting to compare to the Moodle package that you took under your wing 21:33:10 <fmarier_> the package is only updated when there's a new mahara release, but security fixes need to be backported to all supported distros, so that requires a bit of testing 21:33:37 <dobedobedoh> Is the Debian package used in ubuntu too? 21:33:44 <fmarier_> yup 21:34:19 <fmarier_> anyways, i'll talk to the new recruits and we'll sort something out :) 21:34:26 <lamiette_> awesome 21:34:28 <dobedobedoh> fmarier_: Cool :) 21:34:39 <rkabalin_> fmarier_: thanks 21:34:50 <fmarier_> rkabalin_: dobedobedoh thanks for volunteering 21:35:02 <hughdavenport_ho> i can probably help out as well 21:35:05 * dobedobedoh is excited to be a part of it 21:35:06 <fmarier_> #info fmarier_ welcomes dobedobedoh and rkabalin_ to the Mahara packaging team 21:35:25 <lamiette_> congrats 21:35:26 <lamiette_> okay 21:35:28 <lamiette_> next meeting 21:35:44 <lamiette_> #topic Next Meeting date 21:36:04 <lamiette_> I put a suggested time up of Thursday, 28 July 2011, 08:30:00 UTC 21:36:14 <lamiette_> just cause it was a month away 21:36:32 <dan_p> #agree 21:36:35 <fmarier_> if we make it the week of the 1 Aug, I might be able to make it 21:36:46 <fmarier_> but I can't the week before 21:37:08 <lamiette_> but that actually is wrong now cause of apparently us having summer over here or something (though it seems more wintery) 21:37:16 <dobedobedoh> I was going to suggest that, for their own sanity, we have a chair who is working in their evening -- saves you getting up even earlier to prepare for an early meeting 21:37:27 <lamiette_> fmarier_: yeah, incidentally I can't make the date I suggested as I'll be in Scotland :P 21:37:31 <anitsirk> 28th is not good as it is moodlemoot nz and i may not be back yet (as we are on in the evening) 21:37:43 <fmarier_> alright, so 28th is out :) 21:37:52 <bugg_home> so the following thursday? 21:37:53 <fmarier_> how about 3 Aug? 21:37:58 <lamiette_> week of the 1st of August? 21:38:14 <anitsirk> works for me 21:38:19 <rkabalin_> 3th is fine with me 21:38:30 <hughdavenport_ho> fine with me 21:38:31 <dobedobedoh> 3rd august @ 19:30 NZST; 4th August @ 08:30 GMT Is that? 21:38:44 <anitsirk> eh nope. rather the other way around ;-) 21:38:54 <anitsirk> but as we are in the evening, it's morning the same day for you 21:38:58 <fmarier_> dobedobedoh: stick to UTC dates only, it reduces the number of possible errors :) 21:39:02 <lamiette_> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20110803T0730 21:39:07 <lamiette_> does that look right? 21:39:28 <anitsirk> ye 21:39:30 <fmarier_> #agreed 21:39:30 <anitsirk> yep 21:39:35 <rkabalin_> #agreed 21:39:37 <dan_p> #agreed 21:39:43 <lamiette_> #agreed 21:39:43 <dobedobedoh> #agreed 21:39:44 <bugg_home> #agreed 21:39:50 <richardm> #agreed 21:39:57 <thomaswbell88> #agreed 21:39:58 <hughdavenport_ho> #agreed 21:40:02 <anitsirk> #agreed 21:40:18 <lamiette_> #link http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20110803T0730 21:40:47 <lamiette_> who wants to chair next time? 21:41:10 <dan_p> I will volunteer (with a caveat) 21:41:25 <bugg_home> I could give it a go, it's in my evening time 21:41:44 <lamiette_> #info next meeting Wednesday, 3 August 2011, 07:30:00 UTC time 21:41:46 * dobedobedoh wonders what dan_p's caveat is! 21:42:20 <dan_p> caveat is that lamiette_ lets me insert an AOB into this meeting 21:42:20 <lamiette_> dan_p: ? 21:43:05 <dan_p> AOB= any other business 21:43:06 <lamiette_> *sigh* 21:43:09 <lamiette_> if you must 21:43:40 <dan_p> I'd like to apologise for the poor availability of jenkins.mahara.org. Turns out the old server we put it on is in bad shape. Moving to our VM cluster and also less dependency on me in LUNS is in the pipeline, as well as more tests. 21:44:25 <dan_p> for now, if you can't get hold of me, support@luns.net.uk will help you ;-) 21:44:45 <dan_p> . 21:44:45 <fmarier_> and i'd like to thank dan_p and LUNS for setting it up. it's really good to have and i really like how you added the link to the reports in the -1 comments :) 21:44:59 <lamiette_> definitely 21:45:00 <lamiette_> thanks dan_p 21:45:20 <richardm> yep, thanks heaps dan_p, it's already been very useful 21:46:04 <lamiette_> cool 21:46:05 <lamiette_> right 21:46:12 <lamiette_> nearing 11pm here 21:46:16 <dobedobedoh> thanks to lamiette_ for chairing tonight 21:46:16 <lamiette_> so I think meeting over 21:46:20 <lamiette_> (poorly) 21:46:23 <lamiette_> :) 21:46:24 <anitsirk> thank you, lamiette_ 21:46:33 <pxh> lamiette_: thanks 21:46:38 <rkabalin_> thank you lamiette_ 21:46:39 <hughdavenport_ho> thx 21:46:41 <bugg_home> thanks lamiette_ ! 21:46:43 <richardm> thanks lamiette_ 21:46:47 <fmarier_> thanks lamiette_ 21:46:47 <anitsirk> we made it under 2.5 hours, lamiette_! :-) 21:46:59 <lamiette_> anitsirk: yay! 21:47:06 <dan_p> thanks lamiette_ 21:47:08 <thomaswbell88> ty lamiette_ ! :D 21:47:17 <thomaswbell88> my very first 21:47:24 <thomaswbell88> ;D 21:47:24 <lamiette_> okay everyone ! Ka Kite 21:47:27 <lamiette_> #endmeeting